Recent content by Porsche928s2

  1. P

    UP- cycling your stalks, is there opportunities here i wonder

    Hi guys, my misses and I went for a walk at sunset to take in the lovely surroundings plus disposeing of quite a large qty of stalks, my girls room had a major cleaning done, anyway during our venture i got to thinking if there is ways of up cycling the stalks, which im sure many have thought...
  2. P

    Humboltd Seeds - anyone dealt with these guys

    Indeed i do agree crisnpropa, however having been that route the results were disappointing, partly due to excessive N but the genes weren't the greatest either and supplier issues which i believe supplied half arse seeds in the first instance.....need to upgrade my ladies anyway so happy to...
  3. P

    Humboltd Seeds - anyone dealt with these guys

    Sorry dude, that was typo error, 10 seeds for 300 bucks Thinking of gelato range, want to upgrade to better genetics, having big issue with fox tailing
  4. P

    Humboltd Seeds - anyone dealt with these guys

    Apparently they have 3 "F1 sherbinbinski gelata" which im keep to try. Its not auto flower btw, they are fems I need a new line of girls with strong genetics and thinking this is the way to go Appreciate the input and guidance guys
  5. P

    Humboltd Seeds - anyone dealt with these guys

    Thanks guys, always good to get the thumbs up. going ahead and making purchase today, Qty 3 seeds for €300, "sherbinski gelato" Wil update with progress once in my hands
  6. P

    Humboltd Seeds - anyone dealt with these guys

    Hi all, Anyone have experience with these guys, Intending on purchasing 3 x f1 sherbinski gelato $300. Before i do, i thought it wise to run it by you guys, just in case and see if this is good value for bucks, happy to forkout but would like a tumbs up about the company if possible
  7. P

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    Thank you for the link Northwood and everyone else who contributed, The advise as always is positive and got to keep going as you guys suggested, Going to let them finish out and see if i can recoup any potential smoke for auntie and I. Plan to up the feed regime, starting hitting them with...
  8. P

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    Was starting to form that opinion, thanks everyone and Bob. Can i stop the tailing? or will it take its course regardless of what i try
  9. P

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    Some additional pictures, even more apparent now im looking more closely, All 12 have these characteristics,
  10. P

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    Due to earlier results from previous grow, suggests to me the quality with be diminished enough to made it not worth the time and effort to see it through.. it has knocked me for 6, There firmness is starting to weaken and losing there shape and smell also
  11. P

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    Is there a chance my waters temps are the cause, its generally freezing due to location and well source, can drop to 50f and usually not much above that. Have a big white root mass growing daily in the reservoir
  12. P

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    Thanks guys, i welcome the good advice and positive outlook, i really do. There mother's went crazy, tailing plus reached 2m tall. Had major issue with N, plus heat/light stress due to there size and 75f breeze over them at nights, which i believe are the 3 biggest factors to fox tailing and...
  13. P

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    Hi all, thanks for taking the time to stop by and hopefully provide some advice which i urgently needs.. Will try and keep it short as possible but basically do i cut down my girls and start again (which in no way i wish too do) or try and salvage something, apart from the cost and time aspects...
  14. P

    Yes, 1 or 2 times per day, or when they feel dry

    Yes, 1 or 2 times per day, or when they feel dry
  15. P

    Good time to start your seeds now, put in 1/2" cube. Ph 5.8/6.0. No food at this stage, seeds...

    Good time to start your seeds now, put in 1/2" cube. Ph 5.8/6.0. No food at this stage, seeds have plenty until they roots properly in cubes,, just plan ph water for now