Recent content by predd

  1. predd


    The Apricot gelato is by far the loudest smell out of the 5 I'm running....straight citrus/orange terps!
  2. predd


    I'm picking up earthy and sour at day 42.....I'm terrible with describing the smells though
  3. predd


    I have 5 of their strains going in flower right now...SFV on day 42, Runtz on 35, apple fritter on 37,MM OG on 35 and glazed apricot gelato on 35 everything is looking good so far.
  4. predd


    Yeah it looks like it needs to go 10 atleast.......thanks man
  5. predd


    I have 1 on day 28 right long did you flower it?It seems a little behind my fritter
  6. predd

    favorite 90s strains

    Early-mid 90's I used to get triangle kush in Miami then in the late 90's the blueberry started being around....both were killer strains!
  7. predd


    What you described sounds like a poor short termed business they hope they don't a virus to do well in business? I would say by your posts you have a personal issue with clone sellers as a whole, good luck to you!
  8. predd


    To me it would seem like a good business model to have them HLV tested(even more so when others on strainly don't), you could lie about it, but with an open forum like this it would quickly get discovered. You can fleece a sheep many times, but only skin em once!
  9. predd


    I got a quick response from them on instagram.......Sfv and runtz on the way! I will show some flower results a few months down the road
  10. predd


    Good to see some pink box flowered looks nice!
  11. predd

    favorite 90s strains

    Triangle kush in
  12. predd


    I'm not sure about his cut of wedding cake, I have the one from mad scientist and it's probably my best cut right now!
  13. predd


    The Osmium cut he has is nice.....great bag appeal and density! Tons of silver with real nice orange flecks...I ran a few others like straw cough and was a little dissapointed though tbh
  14. predd


    Have you tried his site he has linked to his IG?
  15. predd


    I had a very nice experience with pink box so far. I am going to flower out trop cherry and wedding pie and let you guys know what I think of the finished product.