Recent content by proman

  1. P

    hey bro give me some of your time and drop some knowledge on me about your technique I am...

    hey bro give me some of your time and drop some knowledge on me about your technique I am getting frustrated with my grow and I am not sure what it is that I am doing wrong. I know no one that grows! my leafs are not rigid like yours , the baby ones are curling under like a claw. I am giving...
  2. P

    hey man great grow. Just wanted to say that I am also using coco. Great stuff.

    hey man great grow. Just wanted to say that I am also using coco. Great stuff.
  3. P

    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    Oh yeah by the way, if you guys read more, you will see that the military industrial complex and the federal reserve are the ones which own our asses these days. War and banking go hand in hand. As a matter of fact, the idea of a central bank was developed by the Brits in order to beat Napoleon...
  4. P

    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    I think the real question here is not about guns and bullets. The real question is: Does the government have the power, did the people give it the power, to take away something which our constitution allows? The people of the USA have the RIGHT to own weapons for self defense. Now that does not...
  5. P

    Icarus Obama And The Wax Wings

    Justin you are twacked! I quote you "Men and women are three-part beings. You can ONLY prove 2, mind and body What a Joke this thread is
  6. P

    Leaf tips curling down .. look like a hook

    I had similar problems in the past, post a picture, I am not sure what the cause was in the past I am using a hydro setup
  7. P

    Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized????

    hey that lady who drove on the wrong side of the fwy and killed a shitload of ppl was an everyday toker. Could she have been really stoned when she drove the wrong way on the FWY? if she was, then you need to change your statistic. MJ deaths = 7 for the year 2009
  8. P

    War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

    Taxation means representation, at least theoretically. I do agree that control of cannabis must not be handed to corporations because they will turn around and control it. So here must all cannabis growers and smokers unite upon a single front. This front is a reconciliation of the two polar...
  9. P

    growing hydro and havein problem please help

    Your plants are dead man, toast, done, gone. start over. you got alot of it down tho so congrats to that. I learned to flush the roots with flora kleen before going to 12/12, and completely dumping the existing rez. Better luck next time. Nute-lock is the bane of hydro.
  10. P

    I am growing dwc/aero. 18/6 light. 0ppm 1st week. 400ppm 2nd week. 1000ppm 3d week. 1250ppm...

    I am growing dwc/aero. 18/6 light. 0ppm 1st week. 400ppm 2nd week. 1000ppm 3d week. 1250ppm right now. Pulled some clones last night, hope they make it... going to veg in 2 weeks, once the clones are rooted... once I have rooted clones I can yank males....... and flower all of them so that I...
  11. P

    california medical plant limit, mixing mature and immature plants?

    AND means both. OR means only one of the 2 presented choices. That is a clear cut interpretation. Which means. You may have 12 vegetative, but as soon as you go into flower, you can only have 6 at a time.
  12. P

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    LED best for SOG? not enough punch in that light for such a large plant. The veg looked great but when it came time to flower the papaya.... what happened?
  13. P

    Plants are very weird need help newbie look !

    heat stress?????? over fertilization???
  14. P

    Help with type of high

    I wonder if there is any real science behind all of these effects???? maybe it is not so much the plant, but the individual?????