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  • So your saying that it's totally impossible to bud with it just for now untill I get my better lights?I have clones waiting to bud but thats the only 1 I have atm,Even if It'd bud just 1-3 that'd be plenty fine with me.I just needa know if there is a chance,By the looks of the bulb it looks capable of very little for blooming but I think it could be possible,Think I should just give it a try maybe with just 1 clone?
    Hi,I'am fairly new to growing an I have this h39kb175 r 175w Bulb Not sure thinking its either A HID or MH light,I'm just wondering if I only had like just 1-3 plants would it work for flowering them?PLZ Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated.I found this lamp from a streetlight,It's Identical size to the HPS/MH lights just lower Wattage.
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