Recent content by psoulocybe

  1. P

    An Indoor but Out door idea

    got a great heating idea.... seal off a small section, add another socket and bulb.... have your ballast switch to that one during the dark phase....
  2. P

    Broke a kola, need help quick!

    I've used micro-pore medical tape with good success.
  3. P

    Guano Vs molasses npk

    You will want to water less than that. I water about once a week... some small containers are more like every 5 days. I use my tea every other watering. 2-4 weeks before my harvest window I stopped feeding, but still use molasses one more time. Maybe twice with some of my 10-11 week...
  4. P

    When will I begin to see bud on my plant?

    Recently had a mostly indica hybrid hold out until day 35. It was pretty ridiculous. Just be patient, and you'll know soon.
  5. P

    Guano Vs molasses npk

    You are using soil right? Molasses is to improve the biology of the soil, not to feed the plant. You'll want to use your guano tea to feed the plant, and you can try the molasses to feed the soil. I make a tea that uses both. I have 2-6 weeks left on my ladies and have cut off the guano...
  6. P

    Eyo Eyo Harvest sonnn

    Do the buds scream "Pick me!" ? The buds will swell and glimmer when they're ready.... microscope or not, you'll know when they're done.
  7. P

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    This thread has brightened up my day. In June, I started my first indoor grow. Lots of friends told me their input, and most recommended a simple hydro system. I ignored all of them. I went with what I had on hand. Dirt, peat, coir, vermiculite, perlite, vermiculite, bat guano. Earthy...
  8. P

    Forcing Indicas to Turn Purple Indoors during the heat

    How long before harvest do you have to apply the temperature drop? Maybe dry ice and a fan? Ghetto, but if you're only talking a few days, it may work.