Recent content by PulpFiction

  1. PulpFiction

    (Best lighting scenarin for growing ONE plant ? )

    Really o_^ ? I'd of thought I'd get a larger yield from a controlled environment which I can tweak to my liking, rather than outdoors, which I can't control. How many CFL's do you recommend?
  2. PulpFiction

    (Best lighting scenarin for growing ONE plant ? )

    scenario* high. Well, if I wanted to yield a pound what would I be looking at? And if I wanted to yield half a pound what would i be looking at? (In terms of lighting and cost)
  3. PulpFiction

    (Best lighting scenarin for growing ONE plant ? )

    Hey, newbie grower in the works here. Just curious, if I'm growing only one plant indoors, what is the best type of light(s) to use and what wattage? Thanks, help is much apprreeeciated! bongsmilie
  4. PulpFiction

    Using Launchbox Vaporizer as a Pipe?

    This is probably a really stupid question but, could I use a ordinary lighter on the trench of the Launchbox vaporizer and inhale through the draw hole without ruining the vape?
  5. PulpFiction

    Safe To Toke This?

    Thank you good sirs! You are right about the taste, but it's a sacrifice I'll have to make haha. Good call on suggesting vaping it, didn't think about that. &_&
  6. PulpFiction

    Safe To Toke This?

    Hey guys, Just wondering if I could get your opinions quick. Tragically I am all out of weed, and at the same time I'm studying for a test... and I study best when I'm a little high so I was wondering if you could tell me if this is ok to smoke. Above is a picture of all the stuff I...
  7. PulpFiction

    Feed me some motivation please

  8. PulpFiction

    Feed me some motivation please

    Well said gentleman. Plus I guess I can apply a lot of this (eventually) to weed, and maybe design a cool growbox - since I am studying Temperature, Flow, and Pressure thoroughly in my course in the subject of Automation.
  9. PulpFiction

    Feed me some motivation please

    I have no motivation to study for my two electronics courses.... AC current and semi-conductors are boring
  10. PulpFiction

    Funny Lad to watch when stoned

    ROFL! He's so sick! ROFL I wish I could find more of my photoshops of him! I honestly cant contain myself, sometimes me and my m8s will get him to come online on cam and we just make sneaky "Davil" quotes like "Please have some..Sympathy for The Davil." or "Have you ever danced with the Davil in...
  11. PulpFiction

    Funny Lad to watch when stoned

    I recently discovered this guy about a month ago on a online game, and realized he was the funniest person ever to chat to stoned or to watch stoned. His name is "Dav" and he recently started making youtube videos, he is not trying to be funny at all this is just how he acts. Sometimes ill just...
  12. PulpFiction

    StealthHydroponics Dual Spectrum Bubbletronics Complete kit

    Thanks for the replies guys! My major concerns are smell, and how the plants will do if left alone. As long as smell can be kept to a minimum, and the plants can survive for 2 or 3 days alone, I should be fine!
  13. PulpFiction

    StealthHydroponics Dual Spectrum Bubbletronics Complete kit

    Thanks! As far as the work you mentioned required, simple stuff like that I can handle. However, if I was gone for 3 days, would my plants beable to survive on their own? Also my space constraits are, a good sized wardrobe / closet in a dorm room. I am on the 5TH Story of the Dorm building, I...