Recent content by Punky McBadbone

  1. Punky McBadbone

    how long it takes???

    Quick question how long does it usually take when putting a plant on 12/12 light to tell its sex???
  2. Punky McBadbone

    Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w

    yo dog my laptop broke so out of comp for awhile but that shit looks great man good job... and i saw you tryin out the supper crop as for that almost every chance i get i supper crop my babies i'll throw more pics up hopefully soon only about a week til harvest for me... alright man good luck...
  3. Punky McBadbone

    Violator Kush picture updates!

    yea dude thanks allot! i knew they were goin through somthin but couldn't pin point it, it makes allot of since since i've been kinda scarred of my CAL-MAG plus since the fist time i used it i made the noob mistake of doin tbs instead of tsp and over did it with it but now it sounds like i...
  4. Punky McBadbone

    Sea of Green -vs- Fewer bigger plants - Which one produces the most?

    im doin one biggie now @5 1/2weeks w/250w.hps
  5. Punky McBadbone

    I need serious help!

    if your only vegging you should use super thrive or liquid karma
  6. Punky McBadbone

    I need serious help!

    what no dude your fine just slowly fix your mistakes and you'll slowly see your plant go back to healthy green no need to start over, especially since you dont have any flowers yet
  7. Punky McBadbone

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    this my baby under a 250w hps in my closet =)
  8. Punky McBadbone

    Another BOY or GIRL? forum

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil all the way. haha my first grow too check out my other thread just put an update up...
  9. Punky McBadbone

    Another BOY or GIRL? forum

    snapped this one quick for ya
  10. Punky McBadbone

    Another BOY or GIRL? forum

    believe it or not thats just one monster plant in my closet HAHA
  11. Punky McBadbone

    Another BOY or GIRL? forum

    nice gunna have to do that... thanks homie
  12. Punky McBadbone

    Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w

    got that update up homie swing by check em =)
  13. Punky McBadbone

    Another BOY or GIRL? forum

    okay thats the second time i heard that, what exactly does that do i wanna try it on her... (5weeks3days)
  14. Punky McBadbone

    Another BOY or GIRL? forum

    for sure, so its not goin to kill my plant or mess it up if it turns out to be female then i put it back to veg. hours will it?
  15. Punky McBadbone

    Another BOY or GIRL? forum

    so males usually tend to show sooner?