Recent content by purplecstasy

  1. purplecstasy

    Outdoor strain that doesn't smell?

    Hey I want to grow some outdoor, what's a strain that is really good and doesnt stink too much? Im really concerned about odor getting to the neighbors. Are there any odorless outdoor strains that are still great weed? thx
  2. purplecstasy

    latest time to plant seeds in new england?

    thanks for the answer, that makes me look forward to next year :joint:
  3. purplecstasy

    latest time to plant seeds in new england?

    thanks but like I mentioned earlier, I can't do any indoors whatsoever. It has to start outdoors, so If I were to plant in pots with a soil mix and put it outside in early/mid may, would it work?
  4. purplecstasy

    latest time to plant seeds in new england?

    Thanks for the info, but I was wondering if I were to start outside (I want this to be totally outdoor; don't have the money for indoor material) from seedling in early-mid may, would I just get a little less yield but still good product? In short, are the repercussions of not starting inside...
  5. purplecstasy

    Question about planting time in New England

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could germinate for an outdoor grow a little later than recommended by the seed packet. I might be planting some patches guerilla style and Ill probably only have the logistics of doing so by late april, even May. Is that too late? Would I still have something...
  6. purplecstasy

    latest time to plant seeds in new england?

    I mean New England as in the northeastern part of the U.S.A.
  7. purplecstasy

    latest time to plant seeds in new england?

    no i'm from mali ... you're a shady character. Can someone else answer the question please? thank you
  8. purplecstasy

    latest time to plant seeds in new england?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could germinate for an outdoor grow a little later than recommended by the seed packet. I might be planting some patches guerilla style and Ill probably only have the logistics of doing so by late april, even May. Is that too late? Would I still have something...
  9. purplecstasy

    I need to pass a drug test,urinal...

    About 5 years ago I used to get drug tested by a drug counselor, who in turn gave my weekly results to my probation officer at the time. They took it as seriously as any job interview I'd imagine... anyways, I found a way to import a friend that doesn't do drugs' piss AND to keep it warm...
  10. purplecstasy

    Pests on preflowers (probably mites) HELP!

    actually in retrospect I think I have aphid problems. I can only see the bugs with a microscope and they look like water droplets with legs that move. Neem is still good?
  11. purplecstasy

    Pests on preflowers (probably mites) HELP!

    even directly onto the preflowers/buds? The bud sights are about the size of a jelly bean, so according to what you say, if i just spray these small sights with neem, they will be able to grow healthy again?
  12. purplecstasy

    Pests on preflowers (probably mites) HELP!

    Hey everyone ive had plants flowring for 2 weeks now and the preflowers looked discolored. I looked closer, and these clear tiny droplets had little legs and were moving around my buds. I think I have spider mites in the budding area, is there ANY way to kill them? Or should i cut all these...
  13. purplecstasy

    Different phenotype, or failed preflowering?

    Hello everyone, I have plants 3 weeks into flowering and all I see are callyxes growing with 2 short red hooks coming out of them instead of a nice long set of white pistils. Im worried because I know the plants are female, but they have retracted pistils. Is this normal? Should i leave these...
  14. purplecstasy

    about clones carrying genes......

    HEy everyone, I've taken 4 clones from 2 different plants. Both of these plants were from dutch passion seeds. One plant was not stressed and yielded some good weed. The other plant had stunted growth and some problems during flowering and yielded a bad product. My question is, will the clones...
  15. purplecstasy

    Do growers ever call 911? can they?

    I dunno the country where I am the cops dont care, Ill have a sit down with him, that's that. I don't think he's aware of the plants so I can also just get him arrested with no suspicion on me. At worst If I don't find a solution I'll get some protection, I have gun license and hunting...