Recent content by raverguy

  1. R

    Colbert Gets His Super PAC

    When is Coco gonna get his super pac? he would use toky the anti-drug bong. lol
  2. R

    Federal Government Acknowledges Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis!

    this is great news. a step in the right direction.
  3. R

    The so-called "War on Drugs"

    cant do anything about it... peace and logic is failing. too many people profit from the war on drugs. and as long as its profitable its gonna be waged.
  4. R

    Cops Charged After Being Caught On Tape In Botched Pot Raid

    if u cant call the cops u will take matters into ur own hands, or hire someone. pretty sure that is what is going on in mexico.
  5. R

    Stop Dropping Prices!

    prices drop because more people are producing, more stock = lower prices. people want cash and dont care about taking a loss as long as they make some quick cash. if u want insurance to pay u for the meds u are producing u need to wait maybe 10 years. maybe longer.
  6. R

    Maryland Medical Marijuana

    Maryland is a gray area... its not really a med state. u cant grow, u dont have any legal grows at all. however if u get busted.... when u get to see the judge u get to wave ur doctors note up in the air. max fine for holding up to 1oz is 100 bucks. growing and distributing is still game...
  7. R

    spent vape. weed, any good for cooking?

    u can make butter with it.... about an oz of vaped stuff should do it or u could just keep running it on the volcano until no more vapors come out... even then, u can cook that and make butter with it.... but u will need more material to start with. luck
  8. R

    Record Wasn't Really Expunged, Can't Join Navy

    if u lied about it on your application they wont take u. u have to be upfront about it. they can get waivers, but if u come in as a integrity violator .... u wont be let in
  9. R

    DIY PH Down from Sulfuric Acid. (Battery Acid)

    awesome info! saves lots of money!
  10. R

    I GIVE UP - aerocloner

    check list... 1. make sure no light is getting into the reservoir. (tape it/cover it) 2. make sure the light is higher/ not as intense. (try to use cfl) 3. make sure they are not drying up. (keeping the area with high humidity helps) 4. make sure there is at least one air stone in the...
  11. R

    Homemade co2????? +rep

    u could try to use calcium + acids like ph down and vinegar... where do u get the calcium??? 3 sources i use eggs shells left over from cooking clam shells left over from cooking calcium supplement tablets... put all of those in one closed container with a tube that leads out to your...
  12. R

    Could slavery make america great again?

    yes, sell some bread.
  13. R

    does this mean i can burn?

    they want u to think u can smoke so u end up fucking up and paying them more in fees.
  14. R

    Goodbye K2

    k2 is better if u have nothing.... if u have good bud u wont need k2.
  15. R

    Why are republicans against legalization of marijuana?

    reps make too much money from pharma, alcohol/tobacco... not gonna bite the hand that feeds them and we all know marijuana laws are in the books to keep minorities down.... thats why most republicans in office support the incarceration for users... crack laws are tough cuz minorities use...