Recent content by Rcapra123

  1. R

    Germinating in Rock Wool

    Rockwool is the way to go. Paper towels can drown the seeds if you are not careful. Plus moving them to another media has its own risks. I DO use paper towels to test viability of seeds that I have made but after I get my results I just throw the seeds away. Before you use Rockwool it MUST BE...
  2. R

    Flowering stage

    Sounds good Bogwort but as always there are factors that influence when flowering starts. I flowered my last batch at only 2 weeks old and 5 inches tall (limited vertical space). It took 3+ weeks before any female flowers showed (batch is all female). I guess it means that the plants need to...
  3. R

    What to do for root rot in rockwool

    I would stop watering them for a while (a watering cycle or so) to let the cube dry out a bit. Pick up the plant and you can get an idea as to how much they weigh when wet. Then let them dry out a bit and check the weight of the cube again. Just don't let it dry out completely! Sometimes this...