Recent content by Reap911

  1. Reap911

    Is this seabird guano too low on potassium for the flowering phase?

    Potassium Sulphate or Potassium Silicate works really well. I use both. The silicate is nice because Silica is definatey something you want to be feeding your plants throughout it's life cycle. Then the Sulphate for a serious potassium boost. I use this at around 30-45g per a plant every...
  2. Reap911

    How should I go about watering ? Specially if watering dry soil with liquid ferts

    So from the research I have done, I have not heard anyone recommending watering rhe soils to run off. I cant say wether what you are suggesting is good or not but I can share with you how I approach my watering that has given me really good results amd you can take from it what you like...
  3. Reap911

    chlorinated tap water for plants

    I just stumbled on this. So if you do not want to take the time to watch this, I just want to highlight that using tap water does carry risk with it. It does effect microbes, although it might not effect all of them, it definitely does effect some of them. Chloramine and Chlorine are can be...
  4. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    If you really want to boost your K then you can look at Potassium Sulphate. What will help is if you feed the soil some Humic and Fulvic acid. I cant give you the exact science behind its impact but I have heard numerous growers talk about its benefits. I know it impacts the soil biology in a...
  5. Reap911

    Calcium Carbonate & CaCO3

    Do you feed your WSC straight into the soil? At what amounts? I use as a foliar once every 2 weeks.
  6. Reap911

    Soil sample help

    Check this out. In the video he shows you the desired amounts of each nutrient to work towards. You can use this to compare. Bacteria like a balanced Ph of 7 so if you are looking at creating a bacterially dominated soil, which is ideal for cannabis, I do not think you need to adjust your Ph. I...
  7. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    Are you still seeing a decline in your leaf health? I would remove them as a general practise but if your plant is already struggling I would not add stress into the mix. That is my opinion but not sure how other people may think. Other than adding the beneficials, I would just let the plants...
  8. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency? Check out the additives this guy has to sell. The microbe plus is what I am referring to. Biological additive that improves soil activity. He sells Bacillus Subtillus. BuildASoil is also a good place to browse around. The products they have to offer is...
  9. Reap911

    New White Pistils - 2nd Day of Darkness

    Wanted tobshare the final product with you guys. Smoking very smoothly already, still busy curing.
  10. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    So I would not be too worried here. The damage here could be related to your original issues that you had. I have noticed that once there is an issue with these systems the damage that the plants experiences will be over a period of time. Remember that when you used synthetic nutrients in a more...
  11. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    I would recommend checking out the BuildaSoil website and look at the specific products that they use in the range. You can check them out on Youtube as well where they take you, step by step, through their grow. They have done like 4 seasons so there is 4 cycles worth of video content for you...
  12. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    Its really hard to tell if it was the ph additive that threw everything off. I think you have the next steps here so just go with that and see what happens.
  13. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    Best thing you can do. That is the thing with these systems, you have to leave the control in the hands of the biology. I tried a blended approach, adding organic soluble nutrients and it fucked things up so badly. I once did an entire run and got 8g per a plant. Hard one to learn but that is...
  14. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    If you are really worried about the soil being overloaded the best thing you can do is to maybe bring in some type of a cover crop. If you go with the other advice given here and think there is too much Nitrogen in the soil, look at throwing in a crop that will help with that. I cannot give you...
  15. Reap911

    Concerning - potassium deficiency?

    Firstly, I would ease up on the amounts that you are using. When you are buying these craft soils they are generally aimed at having the target nutritional levels required for a complete run. Unless you are building your soil yourself, the frequency of top dressing you are following is a bit too...