Recent content by RedHairs

  1. RedHairs

    2013 Northern California Bay Area Indoor/Outdoor Grow(s)

    The cold that we've been receiving here in SoCal has been from melting of polar ice caps in the north pole. The cold front has been pushed south directly over us. The east cost has had record warmth for this time of the year... That said, it's going to be a warm summer. Maybe nobody but me is...
  2. RedHairs

    2013 Northern California Bay Area Indoor/Outdoor Grow(s)

    Indeed. Record high temps this year. Watch hydration and with extra heat, theres the possibility of extra bugs.
  3. RedHairs

    What will they do...

    Well I guess that would only happen in the world where guns became completely illegal, and not just really difficult for the law abiding citizen to own and carry. Cause otherwise NLXSK1 would worry about my kid unloading a non-high capacity magazine of non-"cop killer" rounds into NLXSK1's ass...
  4. RedHairs

    What will they do...

    Exactly, why have the murder laws at all?! They're obviously not working. Keep the guns, get rid of the murder laws; that's the solution to the problem! I'm glad we can see eye to eye and come to an agreement like gentlemen, UncleBuck. Now we don't have to pull out gentlemenly dueling pistols...
  5. RedHairs

    questions about harvesting

    Drunk now... but no, not really.
  6. RedHairs

    What will they do...

    I kinda agree with Buck... If we just made murder illegal, then we wouldn't need guns at all!
  7. RedHairs

    questions about harvesting

    Why not? We spend all this money on "organic" nutes. It doesn't get any more organic than that to me! Just dont piss directly on them and it must be diluted or it'll nute burn. But yeah; piss on 'em during (during veg only). Outdoor plants only, yes. I don't like pissing in my reservoir indoors.
  8. RedHairs

    questions about harvesting

    Dilute it, and don't foliar feed with it, and you'll be OK with human urine. :/
  9. RedHairs

    North Korea keen on nuking you yanks..

    Meh... NK is not really worth worrying about. It's their big sister (China) that may back them that we have to be concerned about. Even though China is pissed at them, the bottom line is China will back up NK before they back us. But the Chinese will not engage us directly in war because then we...
  10. RedHairs

    What has RollUpMikey been up to?

    Suscribed. I'm looking forward to your outdoor grow this year. I've been considering documenting mine this year as well. (probably not) But the idea has crossed my mind a time or two! Keep the updates coming. :)
  11. RedHairs

    2013 Outdoor Grow

  12. RedHairs

    Marcy's scrog. 1 week flower. Blue Cheese.

    idk... marcy has boy toes to me... but some nice looking plants.
  13. RedHairs

    I have some not so strong pot, what should I do with it?

    Sorry, no... tincture will not be more potent, it will be more concentrated. Potent was the wrong word.