Recent content by ritoke

  1. R

    Snow Storm Ultra

    Hemlock, I started using Snow Storm Ultra four weeks ago. Do you apply it once per week, as directed? Are you using any other foliar feeds? What nutes do you use? I use Canna.
  2. R

    What strain is pictured in your avatar/ tag? Did you grow it?

    What strain is pictured in your avatar/ tag? Did you grow it?
  3. R

    Hi MJD, I haven't spent much time at RIU lately. I hope you're feeling well. I wanted to say...

    Hi MJD, I haven't spent much time at RIU lately. I hope you're feeling well. I wanted to say thank you for offering your advice a few months ago. I recently convinced one of my doctors to sign for me, so I didn't need to seek help elsewhere. I've had my MM card for about a month now.
  4. R

    Crohn's Disease

    Hey Ace, I'm 48, live in Rhode Island and have had Crohn's for five years. I just recently had my MMP card issued. I have smoked recreationally since my early teens. When my son was born I quit for two years, but within two weeks the symptoms of Crohn's began to show. Since then I've had...
  5. R

    My bar tab!!!!!!! lets have some fun

    I see this thread was started over 2 yrs. ago, but I couldn't resist.............$755.50.
  6. R

    how can i get a medical marijuana card???

    Mary, thank you. I'll keep trying. Does getting the card put you under extra scrutiny from the law? If I grow, will my home be checked for quantity limits?
  7. R

    how can i get a medical marijuana card???

    I live in RI and have Crohn's Disease. I've asked my doctors but they have only prescibed Marinol (just today) so far. I have to find a more simpathetic doctor. I know a friend (who happens to be an attorney) who knows two other Crohn's patients that have the MM presciption. I asked if they...
  8. R

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    What is Sea of Green?
  9. R

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey ritoke, welcome.That light may heat that enclosure for you, it might also burn your plants, just don't let it get too close. Another temporary solution for your humidity problem could be to mist your plants a couple of times a day, til it drips like rain. It won't raise the humidity it the...
  10. R

    Welcome New Members!

    My first post...the economy is forcing me to grow for the first time in 15 yrs. I'm also a Crohn's Disease patient. My freshly germinated seeds are just poking through the soil. I plan to make a more formal grow room in the basement with an HID lamp and hyrdoponics. For now just a flourescent...