Recent content by Rob Raw

  1. Rob Raw

    God damn, I really need to post some up to date pics. I guess i'm too lazy, it's kind of a pain...

    God damn, I really need to post some up to date pics. I guess i'm too lazy, it's kind of a pain in the ass.
  2. Rob Raw

    Estimated yield?

    Great answer. It's nice to see people give good advice and not just chop every beginner off at the knees. My brother did a CFL grow just like you described and he yielded just a shave over an ounce.
  3. Rob Raw

    The purps!!

    Right on! That's the best one I know of.
  4. Rob Raw

    Feeeding your plants fruit juice to enhance taste?

    Fucking rock on! :leaf:
  5. Rob Raw

    Mature "Female" Hermaphrodite. Do I Chop??

    I had the exact same problem with my first run. I noticed the bud didn't grow any larger once the male flowers showed up, but male flowers kept developing. I'm not 100% sure if they keep producing THC after a female is pollenated or not, I assume that they don't. I figure the plant is...
  6. Rob Raw

    Too early to sex?

    This guy got terminated last night... Does anyone have an idea as to how long it takes for pollen sacs to grow and release pollen. I wasn't taking any chances with this guy.
  7. Rob Raw

    Too early to sex?

    Here's the daily pics, I didn't get a chance to post them each day.
  8. Rob Raw

    Too early to sex?

    The picture at the beginning of this thread is taken through a loupe magnifying glass w/ assistance from the optical zoom on a digital camera. What we are looking at is barely visible w/ the naked eye, it's about the size of the tip of a sharpened pencil, not very large at all. I actually tape...
  9. Rob Raw

    Too early to sex?

    I will post daily pics of this node and we'll be able to see if it forms pollen sacks or if it opens up and a couple of pistils come out. I'm confident it will be determined by day #5 of flowering.
  10. Rob Raw

    Too early to sex?

    I don't know how to determine sex when it's on a 20 hour light cycle. Everything I have read and videos I have watched are telling me to start the 12 hour light/dark cycle to determine sex.
  11. Rob Raw

    Too early to sex?

    This plant is approx 4 months old. It has been budding since Saturday, 9/24. I have been able to determine sex in about 5 days after starting the flowering cycle. It was easier when I put 4 plants in at once, the difference was very noticeable. This was started from a regular seed, and it's my...
  12. Rob Raw

    Too early to sex?

    I've had a plant in budding cycle for 2 days is it too early to determine the sex?
  13. Rob Raw

    When should i harvest??

    What you are describing as far as the stage of you plants matches mine. I have been flowering for 6 weeks in the picture below, and I have very few orange hairs. I'm planning on at least two more weeks, possibly three... At this point I haven't seen any sign of milky trichomes. I'm trying to...
  14. Rob Raw

    Northern Light Auto T5HO/600W HPS Closet Grow - Advice/Criticism Welcomed!

    Paperhouse, Looks like you got some nice bud going. When did you start flowering? I have a similar set-up, I have the T5 HO lamp (from HTG) for veg and a 600W HPS for flowering. I also have some just about ready for harvest (hoping 2 weeks left) and I was told that the seeds were Northern...
  15. Rob Raw

    Check out my updated albums.

    Check out my updated albums.