Recent content by rock~1

  1. R

    Leaf twisting

    Thanks for the responses everyone. Room temps have been as high as 83 during the day. Good old so cal winter. Maybe I'll bite the bullet early and go for the AC unit. So far no nute burn or tip curling yet knock on wood. My water started at almost 300ppm so its not quite as high as it seems...
  2. R

    Leaf twisting

    Hey everyone, I'm having some issues eith my babies and I was looking for some experienced growers insight. System: 4x4 w/ 15 plants under a 600w mh. Ph5.9, ~900-1000 ppm week 3 since planting the clones. Background: had a ph problem in week one due to a bad meter. Healthy growth since then...
  3. R

    My new RooR!!

    My friend and I bought matching RooR's just like that in Amsterdam. Nice piece!
  4. R

    Magic Moving 1KW Perpetual Growage

    ~ The Ladies ~ Day 33 The Queen seems hungry for more K
  5. R

    Magic Moving 1KW Perpetual Growage

    Hey everyone, welcome to my first journal Today I'll be showing you around my current setup. :weed: ~ Transformation Hallway ~ Dimensions: 16ft x 8 x 8 Not Pictured Walls: Panda Mat Table: One off 8ft x 2 x 1 covered in white latex paint Tray: 4 Cheap-o cement mixing buckets from Home...
  6. R

    Perpetual Mother Box Setup

    Thats what I figured. I just hate to waste all the vertical space I have but I gotta work with what works until I can create a better solution. A 400 should be sufficient than right? I'm trying to use equipment I already have but I'm sure I can get a 400 for cheap.
  7. R

    Perpetual Mother Box Setup

    Thanks for the reply Hoag. So you thing 2 mothers should be sufficient for about 20 clones every 2-3 weeks? I thought I could only use an aero cloner if I was running an aeroponic system. Im growing in rockwool cubes. Is it possible to adapt a cloner or am I better off just sticking them...
  8. R

    Perpetual Mother Box Setup

    Hey everyone, thanks for checkout my thread out. Currently I have a room which I am using for both veg and flower. I'm nearly through my first grow in this build and it looks like it will be a success. I'd like to set up a mother / clone box and I need help from you experienced people as to...
  9. R

    Should I Leave My Light and Lightrail within 24 Hours a Day?

    Im running a 9ft lightrail and 1000w setup on an 18/6 schedule. I'm 2 weeks into flower and things have been going fine. The most difficult part is getting the timing dialed in for how long to stop at the ends. Once you get that set your good to treat it like its not there.
  10. R

    Leaves curling upward

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. Its a nice cool 70 Degrees today and the AC is working so I hope whatever is hurting it is taken care of. Ill keep you posted.
  11. R

    Leaves curling upward

    Thats wierd that it would be heat. no other plants are burnt and its top is a solid foot further away from the light than the plant in the same tray. I went ahead and swapped out 10 of the 15 gallons in the res and im hoping for the best. PH was at 5.7 but I dont have a PPM meter, guess I...
  12. R

    Leaves curling upward

    Bump for my sad plant
  13. R

    Leaves curling upward

    So I noticed the new shoots at the top of the biggest plant started to look burnt a few days ago. It was really hot so I just assumed they got a little dehydrated. Now the problem seems to be progressing to all the new growth. I have another plant in the same tray and it isn't having any...
  14. R

    Watering Schedule for Ebb and Flow

    My overflow is about 2/3 the way up the cube. When I did my drip system I didn't have many roots up near the top but I was using coconat than too.