Recent content by rosco00001

  1. rosco00001

    Current locations

    You're probably imagining a totally different accent to the soft, south Wales accent that i actually have though. More Rhy Ifans (if you heard of him?) than Hugh Grant. Watch the film 'Notting Hill' and you'll understand.
  2. rosco00001

    Ann Coulter

    I reckon that by 2016 there'll be an amendment to the constitution so that Arnie can run for President. In any case i'm sure there'll be an attempt to do so. In the lunatic world of political correctness, exclusion from anything and for any reasonis is usually frowned upon, especially by left...
  3. rosco00001

    Current locations

    Here in the UK simple possession is punished so lightly that green might as well be legal. I wouldn't grow as much as i do if i thought it likely to get a prison sentence if i was caught; my biggest concern, however, is that i like to travel and some countries aint too welcoming to guys with...