Recent content by royal710

  1. royal710

    Drying / Curing question

    wheres is fdd tutorial on curing?
  2. royal710

    Green and black caterpillars?

    anyone out there know?
  3. royal710

    Paper Bags or Straght to the jar?

    Does anyone else have any input of how they do there drying
  4. royal710

    Little black balls?

    When i take pics i cant really get it clear enough to see the balls im gonna get a differnet camera later does anyone else have any ideas of what it might be. PLease any help is appreciated
  5. royal710

    Little black balls?

    K i will i am gonna go out and water them at 4:30 so i will take pics
  6. royal710

    Green and black caterpillars?

    So every time i go out in the morning i find these little green mainly and black caterpillars or slugs or something and there sucking on the buds not the leaves? does anyone know whats going on and what i can get to stop this and kill them.
  7. royal710

    Little black balls?

    hey on like 3 of my plants they have a bunch of little black balls. there is a lot of them clustered together im not sure if there are spider mite eggs? If you guys need pics i will post. the balls can also be brown sometime and they are all around a lot of the nugs and on some of the leaves. I...
  8. royal710

    Spider Mites

    I am on the same boat as you and am waiting for someone to reply
  9. royal710

    help will they survive if been pulled out for a day??

    Yea they might but that also might die just get them back in the ground and water it also get some superthrive that will help a lot
  10. royal710

    Paper Bags or Straght to the jar?

    Perfect thank you for your input
  11. royal710

    Paper Bags or Straght to the jar?

    After hang drying should i put it in paper bags for 2 to 3 days or just straght into jars?
  12. royal710


    Oh okay thank you
  13. royal710


    I have been reading a lot of threads and am not sure if it is good to have a dehumidifier while your drying your buds?