Recent content by Rsawr

  1. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

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  2. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    Something like that only works on trim? Or can you break down bud enough for it to work in the tumbler as well? Not that I mind the bud taste nearly as much. Some strains are actually kind of floral in oil...
  3. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    What's your favorite way of separating the trichs?
  4. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    We could organize trim pillow fights for stoners..?
  5. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    Do you use it because you don't wanna throw it out? That's why mine sticks around. I have plenty of buds, but throwing out a giant tub of trim seems wrong. I like tincture and cannaoil made with buds, they have a taste, but it is a clean herbal one. Trim tastes like plant ass...
  6. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    I dislike using trim without bud. I find everything tastes more blech, even when made into capsulesthere is a gnarly aftertaste. Do you do something special with yours? I have all of mine just sitting after trying several ways to do anything palatable with it...
  7. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    Not enough. The rare bit of morning when I am unaltered o.O Maybe I should try some smoke therapy...
  8. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    I think my brain is broken. I've typed "Hood beep" about four times. One more 'gain. Good beep! How do?
  9. Rsawr

    How to hang lights in tent

    The metal sheet bit that clamps to form the loop that the caribiner is attached to.had one snap in half, but gotcha. I still have a big box full of them, seems like most lights come with 6
  10. Rsawr

    How to hang lights in tent

    Do you like those winch dealys? I try to avoid using them. I always feel like the metal clasps are going to come loose after an early accident with a light smooshing a seedling...
  11. Rsawr

    How to hang lights in tent

    S hooks are a little more reusable and also come in a variety of sizes and materials. Happy growing
  12. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    I am having such a nice time being high and hot in the sun. Whiskey is doing a cute while Tango is doing her best to self induce heat stroke. Old man gets hot too easily nowadays, so his bed goes in the shade. Yes, he dug a hole in it like 7 years ago, the damn fabric is sturdy AF.
  13. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    A beep on this fine day, I say. The grass, my meep, how it does sway. The birds are beeping up on branches, And Father Frost from heat he blanches. The time has come I think it's here The spring I pined for at start of year. A coldbrew beep to you, my meep. How do?
  14. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    One of the reason I chose dobies as my soul dog is they are similar in dopiness to Great Danes but have a few extra years of expected lifespan on average. And they are still big enough to lean on or squeeze really tight. Whiskey is dozing in the sun enjoying the old man life...
  15. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    The difference in taste and appearance between these two batches of qwet is so stark. The darker muddy one used mostly trim, the lighter one's just buds. The green one makes my whole body go *wubbeguewwwwgh* when I take it, you know?