Recent content by Rudeboy

  1. R

    Birth Control

    kk thanks lol
  2. R

    Birth Control

    I've heard around that plants can be given a human birth control pill. Like the pill is put in water and disolved and sprayed is this true i guess it would give the plants estrogen and better the chance of being a female. Well it makes sense please fill me in :D
  3. R

    Outdoor ontario

    hey guys this is my first time growing and i have been preparing for months id like to tell you man plan and recieve critism or comments of advice thanks! Im in ontario canada Ive already started germinating my seeds (used the damp paper towel method) and once they sprout I will be putting them...
  4. R

    how to keep plants short

    grow lowryders, they only grow like 2 feet MAX pretty nice bud still.
  5. R

    watering schedule

    If they're growing at a steady healthy rate than its fine to continue, but if you see signs of over watering obv cut back.
  6. R

    Typical noob question

    if you're hiding 12 3 foot plants in your closet, from your parents ill b the first to say, you're getting caught. how long have they been growing, also get a few pics and we can help you out. in the mean time, airfreshener.s
  7. R

    Flowering White Skunk Grow (pics)

    3 weeks looks like a good assumption, they look great!
  8. R

    My Growing Photos

    Cheesta those look nice, a new fresh colour of green Gl!
  9. R

    noob on hash oil

    Also a nice little thing to do is when u have your oil on a pin run it on a few of your papers CAREFULLY than roll a joint, also it can b dabbed onto the end of a cigarette too!
  10. R

    Something to smoke with

    shove an object downward into an apple, from the top. than stick straw in from the side, use the top as a bowl and the straw to suck, afterwards you can chuck the apple or cut the burnt part and eat it!
  11. R

    Help With Seeds

    Hi, im preparing to grow next season and I really need some seeds if any of you could help me out that would be great. I live just north of Toronto, Onario (in Canada) and i will be growing outdoors. Can you please give me some websites where i can order good outdoor seeds. Im looking for...
  12. R

    How to deter the pigs?

    chicken wire fences maybe.?