Recent content by rudy2010

  1. R

    How much bud do you smoke?

    Sorry if i sounded angry that was not my intention at all. Just wanted to say that there are folks out there who function fine while smoking 1/4 oz of good weed a day. Most people would be smoked into oblivion by that much. Most of my friends can't keep up and have to beg for mercy. I grow...
  2. R

    Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

    Most cops just can't wait to shoot someone. These porkers had a blast killing an innocent man watering a lawn. You are right we are responsible for our own actions that is why you should always stay as far as possible from any pigs. Marijuana is harmless but the police force is armed and...
  3. R

    Outdoor Grow...dry question

    I dried some of mine outside last year and the quality suffered. The ones I dried inside were much better. But if thats all you got it will still get you just as high it just won't taste as good. If you grow cheese or sour diesel they will still taste pretty good after being dried harshly in...
  4. R

    How much bud do you smoke?

  5. R

    Growing outdoors in summer season?

    The sativa strains usually have airy buds so are better in high humidity. They typically take longer to mature though. Outdoors will produce much more than indoors. I am not sure what growUS means by not as much bud. I can average a pound of buds per plant with minimal effort.
  6. R

    connoisseur a and b

    We used it on soil last year and it did not hurt anything. We just sort of winged it from the directions on the bottles. Someone gave them to us and one was already mixed with water. Not sure how much it helped because the grow was mostly shaded and was marginal anyway. It was better results...
  7. R


    Roots Organic, Vermiblend and Fox Farms all have exceptional soils. Use FF Happy Frog for starting plants and Roots, Vermiblend or FF Ocean forest for long term growing. If you have to enhance a lower quality soil like something from Home Depot I add worm castings, guano, mycchorizae...
  8. R

    Bradley Manning’s Father Speaks Out Against Son’s Treatment

    He has done way too much damage to be given any kind of sympathy. Sabotours should go straight to the firing squad. That would end the torture.
  9. R

    fluorescent have slow grow my ass.

    I use just flourides for vegging and cloning. I use the sun for the rest. The flourides work fine. By the way. What is does CFL mean. Pardon my ignorance but I was just wondering.
  10. R

    can overfeeding cause nute lockout????

    You can clean it and it will start growing again but from what I have seen it will be stunted and will never fully recover. Hope yours does recover fully though. Let us know how it goes.
  11. R

    i can't find the newbie section ...

    No need to swear. But this fool is just trying to bait people. Let me see if I can bait him back. Plebscruber you are right Soil will never be equal to hydro. It will always be far better when grown to full maturity outdoors in soil than the weak stuff that comes from hydro.
  12. R

    Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

    Great info. I do a very similar process to make my cannabutter. I use a regular pot on the stove on a very low setting. I use 2oz of trim per lb of butter. My trim is approx 25% popcorn buds. I find the 22 - 24 hour cooking time to be noticeably better than the 8 hours I had been doing...
  13. R

    can anybody help

    Sorry for not being sure but what does CFL mean. Do you mean flouride tubes. I use those in my vegging box. I use the 25W. When I used to use the box for flowering I just added 40W growlux and that was very adequate. By box is about 5' long x 30" high x 24" wide. It used to be a cabinet...
  14. R

    My Clones are not rooting, plz help

    Cut roots as described then coat just the cut end with a quality root stimulant. While waiting for the roots use just water until some roots show then go to Clonex or a similar product to feed them.
  15. R

    Wondering if plant pulled early will still have potency?

    They will be weak. Too bad the smell was the issue. Sounds like they would have been real nice if properly matured.