Recent content by ryanomaniac

  1. R

    Plant leaves curling up

    I have curling problems especially on new leaves that are coming in. I water depending on how the soil feels. Have used miracle gro houseplant food. Mixed with water and did that first every water. Using four t8 4' daylight flouros. Had lights about three inches from plants and thought maybe...
  2. R

    Indoor Growing Systems

    I know we have three illustrations but do guys have any others you could link me to? I've read a lot of helpful info here but the illustrations are like icing on the cake. New to forums also so forgive me and by the way I have been reading for hours today so I am doing my due diligence.
  3. R

    Welcome New Members!

    What's up guys? Thanks rollitup for this site. I've been reading for the past four hours and I feel I have been cramming for the S.A.T. This is only the second forum of any kind that I have been involved in so I have little, if any, experience with them. Just started my endeavor about three...