Recent content by ryhigh

  1. ryhigh

    stinkbus pound every 3 weekk system, whos runnin 1???

    all of you haters, if you would have read and memorized your high times over the years you would realize what resinraider's talking about, it IS an ag system that can be harvested every three weeks heres a link the first two are cloning and veg, and the...
  2. ryhigh

    LEDS Soil Grow AI & 1024

    those r looking good, how long do u leave them under the CFL's?
  3. ryhigh

    LEDS Soil Grow AI & 1024

    lol nice thanks ill consider that, so any updates on ur current plants?
  4. ryhigh

    LEDS Soil Grow AI & 1024

    i have a question, i was thinking and have u ever tried out those light boards of LEDs all around the plant to get bigger buds towards the bottom compared to just top light? i assume the Mylar u use reflects it to the bottom of the plant well enough so would the extra lights around it be a waste?
  5. ryhigh

    Who agrees with me on this?!?!?

    agreed, thats the theme song for stoners haha
  6. ryhigh

    Who agrees with me on this?!?!?

    i had the pleasure of seeing KMK this summer in Lawerence, KS and they rocked the show, amazing live and biggest indoor small theater smoke session ive ever seen and cypress is legendary to smoke to cuz u know that all he did, SPM and KMK are some of my favs though, glad u agree!
  7. ryhigh

    Who agrees with me on this?!?!?

    so let me just start at the beginning of my story before i get to the point. bear with me u lazy stoners :bigjoint: a couple days ago i was going trough my itunes and stumbled upon South Park Mexican songs that i neglected. naturally, i was stoned and glued to my loud music so i started...
  8. ryhigh

    LEDS Soil Grow AI & 1024

    hey thanks for all the help man, this is gonna be pretty simple yet surprisingly effective and hopefully its dumb proof enough it wont be too difficult to do ripped lol :weed: anyway hope u have continued luck with the clones, ill definitely still be watching this grow one love :leaf:
  9. ryhigh

    Call yourself out..What was your biggest mistake??

    on my first ever grow attempt i had two clones from a buddy's plant and was about a week into the grow when i left for fourth of july weekend. the setup i had wasnt completely done yet but i didnt think anything of it until i came home and my father ahd found them and all was gone :(
  10. ryhigh

    First To I.D. Get's +Rep from Lumberjack!

    im pissed i found this so late, ive made iso hash before and i could recognize it anywhere :( no rep for me nice work on the hash though, howd it smoke?
  11. ryhigh

    LEDS Soil Grow AI & 1024

    i am very interested in using LEDs now to grow, ive done some looking for lights on ebay and found some with the same specifications as the ones you got, what all did it take to make the whole setup, if u could pretty much give me a step-by-step of wiring and the power source i would need that...
  12. ryhigh

    hey i noticed in one of your pics that you use the individual hydro setup, i am looking at the...

    hey i noticed in one of your pics that you use the individual hydro setup, i am looking at the exact ones to start my first grow; have u had good luck with them and it was fairly easy to use? have u had any problems with them?
  13. ryhigh

    LEDS Soil Grow AI & 1024

    this really changes my mind on the light im using in my upcoming grow, great idea and props for the research, very helpful!! loving this grow man, good luck with the clones i cant imagine how that medical treats u so congrats on that :bigjoint:
  14. ryhigh

    Anyone Wished They Got a 600w instead of a 400w?

    i plan on growing this same setup some day so this will be exciting to see how it goes, good luck with the grow and happy smoking!
  15. ryhigh

    Hydro Closet Grow Light Question

    thanks for the advice casey i dont think i woulda known that and that definitely would be something i gotta look out for