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  • Dearest,
    I crave your indulgence at this mail coming from somebody you have not known before. I decided to do this after praying over the situation. You should please consider the transaction on its content and not the fact that you have not known me before. I need not dwell on how I came by your contact information because there are many such possibilities these days.
    I am paul unenga, 21years old and my younger sister Mariam unenga we are the children of our late parents dr john unenga from a Royal family in angola. My father was a highly reputable business merchant (cocoa merchant) who operated in the capital of Ivory Coast during his days. It is to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad year 12th.Febuary 2007. Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time, But Allah knows the truth!!
    Our mother died when I was 13 years old and since then our father took us so special. Before my fathers death on 12th Febuary2007, he told me that he has the sum of Eleven million seven hundred thousand United State Dollars (USD$11.700, 000) left in one of the security company in lome the capital city Togo. He deposited the fund in a metallic trunk box as containing family valuable that belongs to a foreign partner. He further told me that he deposited the box in my name as all the documents bears my name as the depositor and for the Security company not to open the box or rather suspect it content, he therefore made the beneficiary as foreign partner.
    I am just 21 years old a university undergraduate and my only younger Sister is 18years old and really we cannot handle the retrievemet and the shipment of this fund alone without the help of a foreign partner. So please with all due respect, I am contacting you with due sense of humanity and responsibility and with few awareness that you will give it a sympathetic and mutual consideration.
    I am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways.
    (1) Can you honestly help us as your family?
    (2) Can you serve as the guardian of this fund and also to contact the security company here for the retrievement and the shipment of this box to you in your country diplomatically
    (3) Can you help us to make arrangement for us to come over to your country to further our education and to secure a residential permit for us in your country?
    (4) Can you provide good investment plans for the fund and also to manage the fund on a profitable investment
    Moreover, I am willing to offer you 15% of the total sum as compensation for your effort/input after the successful shipment of this box to your country before the investments starts. And I have also mapped out 5% of the total sum to cover any expenses during the course of this transaction.
    Please consider this and get back to me as soon as possible.
    My sincere regards,
    paul unenga
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