Recent content by sarcky

  1. sarcky

    My plants are Dying! HELP (Pics)

    looks more like a deficiency as you said about the early pics it cld be simply that it is not getting a specific nute or the soil cld have been bogged(over watered ) creating mud like at bottom of pot which stops the plant drawing the nute from soil
  2. sarcky

    Need help fast,,,plants are dieing!!!!pictures included

    if your roots are yellowish colour i think than indicates lack of oxygen due to over watering and i think ur temp is a bit high u really dont want go over 90 and even at 90 u can reduce ur yeild and thc levels i have read . and for the record it is u they talk about shouting u got cap locks on...
  3. sarcky

    4 weeks into flower and I've got mold on one.

    u need keep your humidity at around 50% any higher and u risk mold. any mold should be isolated stripped and binned . also if u can use a fan especialy at night as the humidity rises wen the lights go out . u cld also get de-humidifiers to suit ur bloom room like for caravans n s++t . dunno how...
  4. sarcky

    Auto Flower Seedlings droopy/unhealthy-HEALP PLEASE ASAP!

    set ur ph to 6.2-6.4 . u only need it slightly acidity . i use tap water and it's ph is around 6.4 as a rule .
  5. sarcky

    Help! First Grow (Various Strains)

    yip i have read alot and seen alot of pics n it does lk like to much nutrients . i am a new grower but from wat i learned you need breack the youngsters in . i wld flush with clean water and only use 2/3rds of the recommended dosage of nutrient at the max then as they mature u can start to use...
  6. sarcky

    Blue Cheese - Barney's or Big Buddha?

    i got barneys bc fem and i have to say i am happy with the grow so far . they were getting a strong smell b4 going into bloom and 2 wks into bloom now they smell gr8 and 2 out of 3 are surprisingly tall and 1 that i wld say is average height as they are from seed they are different . 1 smells...
  7. sarcky

    Barney's farm BLUE CHEESE

    hi all . i was wondering how high blue cheese grows in average . i have 3 barney's blue cheese feminized which i put to flower 2 wks ago today and they where just over 20cm high after about 50 days (slow start it seemed) i expected them to go to 50-60 cm but they are over 75cm now and still...