Recent content by Schwaggg

  1. S

    Do you grind ahead of time?

    Do you guys grind your buds ahead of time when you get them, or leave them in bud form until you are about to pack a bowl or roll? Does it let the bud cure more if you wait till your ready to smoke?
  2. S

    People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.

    I love how everyone here who stated their IQ is basically at genius level. Apparently the "average" of 100 isnt common among us tokers? You people need to go sign up for MENSA with your IQ's jeeze. But to add my opinion: My IQ as of like 15 years ago (when I was very young and was tested...
  3. S

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    I am Ignostic. I believe that there is no clear definition of "god" so how can anyone say whether or not they believe in it. Everyone has a different definition or view of what god is. Apart from that concept I'm Agnostic. I believe its beyond our scope of knowledge to say whether there is...
  4. S

    Fat Chicks WTF

    I gotta say I agree. Overweight people in general. Ya there are SOME, VERY FEW people who have some body disorders that affects their metabolism but you cant deny that a lot of people just have a lack of restraint when it comes to eatings. AND they are lazy as hell when it comes to excersizing.
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    Does anyone know what the current(or previous if this is big enough already) largest thread is in the forums??
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    The 352, good old Gainesville FL.
  7. S

    Do you believe in God?

    I just dont understand how religions say that people who dont follow their religion are going to hell, like Christianity who says unless you accept Jesus as your savior you go to hell. At least Judaism says “The righteous of all nations are worthy of immortality.”(any good people...
  8. S

    Growing in an apartment?

    Thanks a lot to all of you guys, I'll definitely check up on the lease status before I get started.
  9. S

    Growing in an apartment?

    I was wondering if you guys had any knowledge of this. I am currently living in an apartment. I would like to start growing, but does anyone know if my landlord is allowed to enter my apartment without permission? I know police cant enter without a warrant, but I'm just worried about the...