Recent content by ServingSize1oz

  1. S

    Whoops planted my autos in MG

    I just finished an Auto AK grow and my plants got very large, about a meter total with LSTing, and one went a full 93 days from seed. I never went above 500ppm until about halfway through flower and then I only made it to about 800. If you're in a three month time-release of miracle grow I...
  2. S

    US Patent Pending Pot - US20150096230

    I hope you didn't pay too much to submit that patent application.
  3. S

    Flush Versus No Flush Blind Test

    One is ahead by a week (probably closer to four or five days) simply because it ripened up faster. They were all autoflowers planted at the same time. I'm really not sure why it went faster. They all look to be the same pheno and I tried to keep light distribution even, but things happen I...
  4. S

    What happen to them? Help

    Your pictures aren't loading but we need a little more information. If you're using 20-20-20 your problem is most likely overfeeding. Are you feeding with every watering? You might also want to dilute that down to 10-10-10 and use in a feed, water, water regimen. Pot size? Lights? Medium...
  5. S

    Flush Versus No Flush Blind Test

    Hey I just wanted you guys to know I'll be doing a test using five participants (friends) with various amounts of knowledge about marijuana and very little knowledge of flushing. Little disclaimer: I don't flush and I'm doing this only because I want something to reference when people say...
  6. S

    Does 72 hr Dark Period Count Towards Flush?

    If I quoted you I quoted the wrong person; sorry. I meant to quote atxlsgun. Sorry man I'm real high lol.
  7. S

    Does 72 hr Dark Period Count Towards Flush?

    No, no it's not. As soon as the water enters the roots it's already been filtered and the composition changed once. Up the stem it's been changed again. Once it hits a leaf, guess what, it's changed again. By the time that water hits the bud things have been added and taken away. You have...
  8. S

    Does 72 hr Dark Period Count Towards Flush?

    Actually guess what, cannabis plants don't store nutrients at all in buds. The only nutrients that will ever be in a calyx are the nutrients immediately needed by it. Nutrients are "stored" in leaves. Not to mention the fact that not all nutrients are mobile so the ones that are already in...
  9. S

    aluminum foil instead of mylar

    I built my whole 2x4x5 grow tent using PVC and black and white poly film (panda film) for under $80 and when you do it this way it can be assembled and disassembled in 5-10 minutes. There is no reason to use aluminum foil for anything when that stuff is $25 for a 10x25 roll.
  10. S

    is it safe to post pics from smart phone

    You're fine man. The NSA has about twenty million dick pics to sort through, you're not getting busted because of a picture :d. Just don't leave the pictures on your phone if you ever get arrested or detained by police lol.
  11. S

    Help please. What's happening

    800ppm is far from nothing lol. They were sativa-dominant autoflowers. They'd probably have burned severely with anything above 1200 :(.
  12. S

    Help please. What's happening

    My mistake, I thought hempy was coco.
  13. S

    Help please. What's happening

    Tallest is about 40 inches; the other's aren't much smaller. It's also AK Auto so being mainly sativa it's a very light feeder.
  14. S

    2 weeks into flower

    Looking good my friend.
  15. S

    Help please. What's happening

    There's no reason to flush coco in the conventional sense. Just stop feeding it as much. Your nute burn isn't that severe, it'll go away after a few 1/4 and 1/2 strength waterings. You also can use a lower ppm with coco since it's getting topped up so much more than soil, something to...