Recent content by sighmon

  1. sighmon

    Purply Kush

    nice, here's a pic of one i grew.
  2. sighmon

    Only the intellegent reply!

  3. sighmon

    800 watts of cfls pics (should I switch to hps??)

    i got almost half a lb from 5 plants using 750 watts of CFLs if that helps.
  4. sighmon

    Auto-flower emergency!

    awesome! then 18/6 it is, thanks for the rapid responses.
  5. sighmon

    Auto-flower emergency!

    What's up guys, i need some help with some (unknown to me until right now) auto-flowering babies. They have been veggin for close to 4 weeks now, and when i went to check on them just now, i noticed pistils emergin from 3 of them! 2 other have balls so they're dead now, and the final one is...
  6. sighmon

    Final Harvest: 400 Grams [CFL]

    lol just noticed this right now. actual CFL wattage was 750ish. 12 26w, 5 42w, 3 68w, 2 9w
  7. sighmon

    Final Harvest: 400 Grams [CFL]

    thanks for all the nice comments. final weight should be around 80-90 grams dry.
  8. sighmon

    Final Harvest: 400 Grams [CFL]

    veg: 4 weeks flower: 11 weeks (12 weeks 12/12) Soil: Fox farm ocean forest nutes: peter's all purpose Carbs: Sugar in the raw Weight: 400 grams wet Strain: Unknown sativa
  9. sighmon

    What's Your Favorite Thing To While Stoned To The Wall?

    close, but the most popular theory is that the moon is made up from fragments of the earth that came about when meteors hit it and the fragments then compressed into a disk shape then into a spherical one.
  10. sighmon

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    is it 1998 when tribals were popular?
  11. sighmon

    Best anti-marijuana ad yet

    not likely with their $100+ million budget.
  12. sighmon

    Growing in Sweden

    najs! ! ! ! !
  13. sighmon

    Best Bud/Plant Shot Contest

    My CFL Grown purple kush.
  14. sighmon

    First Harvest Ever (Part II)

    Put in new pics.
  15. sighmon

    First Harvest Ever (Part II)

    yup yup, my first plant that i harvested a few days earlier was 40 grams as well so that was nice. I have found the digi and will post pics 2morrow for the bud contest (if it's still around)