Recent content by Skunk.n'the.Trunk

  1. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    My first grow skunk clone

    prolly not nute burn. the rest of the plant looks good. Its just the plant killing off the leaves that don't get light. I don't know how they look now, but you can take out the bottom 1/3 of the those leaves and the uppers will be stronger for it. sorry haven't been on in a while.
  2. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    Help w/ ScOG

    agreed. lower branches will quickly catch up once the tops are trained
  3. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    Temp Question?

    fresh air is recommended for co2/ oxygen exchange. I'd say try a small fan in the day time to see what the temp goes to, and you can always put the heater back in the room but you shouldn't have to
  4. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    i have no idea whats wrong with my plants or how to help them!

    take the net pots and run tap water through the whole pot making sure that goo around the roots are flushed away. The chlorine in the water will kill bacteria thats hiding and not being reached by the h202. but keep up with the h202 still
  5. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    My first grow skunk clone

    hows it going?
  6. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    Curious question about pollinating

    no it would not be viable after drying curing packing transporting
  7. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    advise needed!

    i like to foliar feed with b1 to destress. thrive alive is what i go with, but there are several choices out there
  8. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    My first grow skunk clone

    she looks good to go. I'd still rectumend tying her back a bit and giving it another week but its not my grow. think of it like this... with cfls only the top couple inches will get light so make a lot of surface area of canopy. also my fave thing to do with cfls are take the extension cords...
  9. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    Aero root problems and maybe nute burn can't tell???
  10. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    Aero root problems and maybe nute burn can't tell???

    Potassium def would explain the burned edges, red stems, and tiny spots on leaves
  11. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    What are my options with these wandering roots?

    transplant while trying to preserve the roots. You won't get all of them but should be able to get some. Do it while they're wet
  12. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    My first grow skunk clone

    it looks kinda dead. If it still looks like that tomorrow, i'd prolly take it out. It'll be like topping anyway.
  13. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    My first grow skunk clone

    You'll be all good. to be honest it looks that shelf helped the plant out
  14. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    Thanks so much for any input (and Happy Thanksgiving too!)

    What is the ph of the water that goes in and the ph that runs out? I think its nute def. If the ph is off and locking out nutes, thats bad What is the NPK of what your giving. Are you using GH grow and micro?
  15. Skunk.n'the.Trunk

    First time grow ak47 whatchu think? tips?

    if you raise your humidity your temp will go up higher. my 2 cents. if you're gonna raise 10% or more you need a humidifier and if you do that you might have to add more ventilation. I'd say try a pan of water and if that raises it to 40 be happy