Yes you understood correctly. None of the suggestions here modify the inner circuit of the fan. Opening the fan cover merely gives you a different access to the wiring. Sending a PWM is a substitute for the out of the box controller. My post with scope captures were taken from the controller...
You got it right. I'm sure you can achieve control without needing with wires, but you'd have to confirm the pins on the connector.
PWM is 4,156hz on my S4. See my measured trace here at various duty cycles...
I have some experience with the Ethernet piece, having designed my own multi room music streaming hardware, however Ethernet isn't cost effective on small scale. Some have instead relied on prebuilt modules that can be found on AliExpress, which done at a price that is hard to believe.
Did you...
PM me for this and we'll see how we can arrange something. I've never done it before, but I'm sure we can manage. I currently have only one left (one controls the fan, the second one is used as a test bed and I was eying the third one for another project, but it is a bit of an overkill).
For those interested the tachometer works really well as outlined in my schematics. Note here that air speed and CFM values are approximated from air flow measurements I took at various fan speeds. I don't have (yet) a mass airflow sensor connected :lol:
If you're interested, better get the ball rolling before I pull all my boards into some project. I do need to order the components to build more, but real life is keeping me super busy right now.
Last reading is really odd and unexpected. Does it have an explanation?
As for my board, the display is not of an exercise in style as I took the opportunity to also build something that I would want in other places around the home. For instance, the mic chips are there to control power for...
I just did an OTA update and the fan didn't move during the flash operation or during reboot.
I've attached the schematics in case others would want to see. I didn't clean up so don't judge me on that; is a hobby not a Job ;)
The schematics includes a resistor connected to the tachometer...
From there, what you do is up to your imagination. That being said, I'm more and more leaning towards coding a project outside of esphome. If it was just for me, I'd go for a native esp-idf project since I'm very familiar with the environment, but I might also go with the Arduino framework. It...
In the lvgl demo (2 boards on the left), rotary control is used to navigate. But my original thought is to use it to increase/decrease the speed of the fan or toggle power
I could not resist the urge to cook more boards!
You are seeing the 2 units on the left running a modified lvgl demo. I was using it to test that the rotary knob and displays were working as expected. The one on the right is running my esphome config, albeit without any sensor which makes the...
I wouldn't be able to tell for sure. The one I am controlling is a S4, but I suspect that it would work with all models having the following controler
The basic thing to determine is if the fan has similar connectors internally as shown in here...