Recent content by Sm00th0Perat0r

  1. Sm00th0Perat0r

    is this heat stress?

    Whats the overall temp in the room? (not necessarily where the plant is). The reason I ask this is because I have noticed when the ambient temperature is too low for the plant and the plant senses heat near the light, the plant will taco the leaves to try and "reach" warmth. *Not to be confused...
  2. Sm00th0Perat0r

    top ten non-traditional comedy/stoner films

    Fear and Loathing in LV
  3. Sm00th0Perat0r

    being forced to stop smoking and don't know how to stop. PLEASE HELP!

    shrooms dont show in drug tests..... just sayin. I dont advise it though.
  4. Sm00th0Perat0r

    Day or two? More?

    They look tasty as they sit.
  5. Sm00th0Perat0r

    how do I make butter from my sugar leaves

    This is awesome. Thanks for the recipe. +reps
  6. Sm00th0Perat0r

    Police Brutality - Kelly Thomas (slightly NSFW - beating victim)

    I hope those fuckn pigs rot in hell. They are even laughing when they mention " We cant take him to the hospital in my cruiser like that" Its good to know they car more about their cruiser than a human beings life. Damn this shit makes my blood boil.
  7. Sm00th0Perat0r

    growing in an apartment..

    My lease states that the leasing agents must advise at least 72 hours in advance before entering the building unless there is a fire or leak/flood occurring. .02
  8. Sm00th0Perat0r

    Its another are they ready thread.

    ^Yeah my mistake.
  9. Sm00th0Perat0r

    adam yauch dead @ 47.. :( RIP MCA. Another good one goes. WTF
  10. Sm00th0Perat0r

    Its another are they ready thread.

    Degraded thc but more CBD for the couchlock effect.
  11. Sm00th0Perat0r

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Nope. Ten characters
  12. Sm00th0Perat0r

    First CFL Grow!2 Moby Dick, White Rhino, ???, and a cup full of schwag!

    They should be ready in a few days. I bet they look scrumptious. Good luck Lo.
  13. Sm00th0Perat0r

    Do you believe in ghost

    I haven't ever seen a ghost, but I believe I saw a UFO. When I lived with my parents, I was laying outside on the driveway talking to my high school sweet heart when I clearly saw a set of lights traveling Super fast back and forth in the sky. I immediately told my GF but after saying it, I...
  14. Sm00th0Perat0r

    Blue Dream - Time for Harvest?

    ^ Really? 4 posts in 4 different threads all with the same quote?