Recent content by SmokeCartel

  1. SmokeCartel

    Important if using PayPal to purchase glass

    I have also run into problems with selling Titanium as well, I eventually figured out that "Hardware" is the best way to describe ti nails.
  2. SmokeCartel


    @abe supercro we should have more in stock within the next two weeks at most!
  3. SmokeCartel


    We do not, but we are currently expanding our list of artists we carry and Banjo Glass is on that list of artists we intend to carry in the near future. Banjo Glass is top notch without a doubt, it would be tough battling some of banjos work!
  4. SmokeCartel


    The alien is listed here: The Chomper is listed here: If you want to try to barter, you can make offers on both pieces through our pricewaiter...
  5. SmokeCartel


    Both of you bring some valid points to the weigh in, I am still unsure who I think will be the victor but I have a feeling the chomper has a few tricks up his sleeve!
  6. SmokeCartel


    So if these two pieces came to life and had a battle which one would be left standing? Would it be the green slyme alien rig by Dahn Lindstrom or the Chomper by Smoky Mountain Glass Studios? Both are some heavy hitters, I am sure it would be quite a duel! So who do you think would be the guy...
  7. SmokeCartel

    What makes your LHS the best?

    Hell ya everyone loves free stuff, its the little tokens of appreciation that count!
  8. SmokeCartel

    What makes your LHS the best?

    Oh we also have arcade games in our storefront so thats another dope reason to come check us out!
  9. SmokeCartel

    What makes your LHS the best?

    I hear ya on that I have walked into tons of stores where this is the deal, two of the shops where I went to college sound just like this! Super friendly and always reorganizing the same product over and over again.
  10. SmokeCartel

    What makes your LHS the best?

    Thanks Peter, we appreciate the kind words, I know that feeling. I grew up in North Georgia and it was extremely hard to find good glass. We always had to drive to Atlanta or Athens to find anything worth a damn, same thing when I went to college, shit selection and high prices. I wish there was...
  11. SmokeCartel

    What makes your LHS the best?

    Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well out there! I wanted to ask a quick question to hear what everyone has to say about their Local Head Shop and what makes it the best? If you favorite head shop is not local I would still love to hear about it and why it was such an amazing experience for...
  12. SmokeCartel

    Favorite Artists

    Hey everybody, I hope you all are doing well. We are currently working on expanding our selection of artists and brands that we currently carry and we would love to hear about any artists or brands that you enjoy the most! Please feel free to list as many as you would like and any reasons why...
  13. SmokeCartel

    What Type of Nail Do You Use?

    I am interested to see what the quartz cup looking thing you have is.. Do you mind sending over a picture? Could it be a quartz banger?
  14. SmokeCartel

    What Type of Nail Do You Use?

    @Ciaran Walsh The Galaxy Enail is ceramic coated with quartz, puts off excellent flavor just as you would expect from quartz!
  15. SmokeCartel

    What Type of Nail Do You Use?

    I hear ya @chuck estevez I personally fear that very thing happening with Titanium, and if I do have to use a Titanium for some reason I like to have a flush adapter to help protect my joint from the heat of the nail. My Galaxy barely puts off any heat to the joint, I can almost handle the...