Recent content by smokekush

  1. smokekush

    How much is a

    what amount of marijuana is "a cut of marijuana"? A friend said he was looking to get a cut and I was unsure of what it was. Thanks!
  2. smokekush

    Late Season Grow

    Hello, I beleive it is way to late to start growing outside but I just wanted to see what you guys think. I have many seeds that have germinated and are ready to be planted and I do not want to give up on them. I live in a climate similar to northern New Jersey. What can I do to expediate the...
  3. smokekush

    Watering Solution

    I will go with placing a big bucket next to the plant but here is a question about it. If I add liquid nutrients to the bucket wont they eventually settle to the bottom of the bucket which will over feed my plants? The bucket supply water for 8 weeks. Thanks!
  4. smokekush

    Simple Nutrient Solution

    Hello, I am looking for buy nutrients made specifically for marijuana growing. What products do you guys use and where can I find them? I am growing outdoors and have a watering system setup that will last atleast 8 weeks. I would like a great product that I can just mix in with the water...
  5. smokekush

    Watering Solution

    Thanks for the tip but I am looking for something more covert. Has anyone had any experince with water storing crystals like this? I wonder if with an average rainfall of 3 inches a month if this would be sufficent to support my plants? Anyone know? Also, How many gallons or liters of...
  6. smokekush

    Watering Solution

    Hello, I am looking for an effective way to water my plants so that I can plant them outdoors and come back as little as possible to water them. What are my options? Ideally I would like to plant healthy seedlings and just come back when they are ready to harvest. Here is something I found...
  7. smokekush

    Plant Yields

    What yields have you guys seen on a Big Bud or White Widow plant growing indoors? Meaning total dried weight from a single plant.
  8. smokekush

    Plant Yields

    What could be the yield range for a Big Bud plant growing indoors under great conditions?
  9. smokekush

    Plant Yields

    Hello, on many seed sites plant yield is measured in gr/m2. What does this mean? If the strain big bud has a yield of 600 gr/m2 does that mean the plant with proper care will produce 600 grams? Also, is that dried weight? Thanks Very Much!
  10. smokekush

    Outdoor growing

    There has to be some way around this. What if I grew under tree cover or in an area of thick bush. Also, what happens if they do find like four plants growing in an area, do they simply cut them down or would they steak out the area and wait for me to come through?
  11. smokekush

    Outdoor growing

    I live in PA though, what can I do?
  12. smokekush

    Outdoor growing

    Hello, heres something i found here under the detection section: "Law enforcement agencies often monitor certain wider areas, particularly areas of countryside with a significant history of outdoor cannabis cultivation. In helicopters, they use infrared cameras and other equipment that can...