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  • I know the general rule with nutes is that everything (except Advanced Nutrients) is made for plants other than marijuana. So you only want to give nutes at a 1/4 strength of the recommended dosage. Also, you only want to feed nutes with every other watering at the most. Some people do every 2 waterings just to be safe. Let me know how the magnesium and iron supplements worked for you.
    I wouldn't be worried about a deficiency. I messed up my first grow with nutes. So the next 4 grows I did after that I did nute-free and they came out almost the same as the crops I used nutes with (except the first, of course). It's more likely to get nute burn than them not get what they need without nutes. They are weeds, after all, they'll grow without nutes just fine. Sounds more like they might be getting too much nutes. That was happening to mine recently, but it was clones that I planted into hot soil. The lower leaves yellowed and died. And the bigger leave turned yellow from the edges-inward and eventually turned yellow and died. I couldn't find any good pix on here to compare it to so it was hard for me to tell. But I think I linked it closest with magnesium and/or zinc.
    Thanks for the reply, sounds like you've got a great set up. I'm growing two Mama Mia's which are a mostly Indica strain. The main problem I'm having is yellow leaves. One plant seems to be fine but the lower leaves get yellow from the edges in, then the edges get burnt and the leaf dies. A digital pH meter is what I need, but have the Gen Hydro test kit for the moment. I'm using Walmart drinking water which has a pH of 6.0 and 0 PPM if my TDS meter is OK, and I think it is. I've just now adjusted the pH just below 6, in hopes that would help, but was previous adjusting to about 6.5 which I now think was wrong. Enough research will show so many opinions you don't know what is right! I want to use the Gen Hydro feed schedule but some say to only do half strength, I just cut back last night but don't want to risk a deficiency if that's what the yellowing is but I don't want nute burn either, but maybe it's pH. I just want to smoke, eventually! Any advice would be appreciated for sure.
    Your setup sounds good. I've been growing a year now. I have the opposite problem as you. I'm in a tropical climate, so I have to watch my heat & humidity. I haven't really mastered the cooling yet. But right now, the cooler temps outside keep my closet averaging around 73. The room is 11'L x 3'W x 9'H. I split that for veg & flower so I have a perpetual grow. For seeds & clones, I have 2 floros. For the veg plants, I use a 250w MH & for flower I have a 400w HPS. I'm still trying to step-up my exhaust system. Right now I'm just using bathroom exhaust fans. But I'm going to take care of that before this summer so I don't lose anything again. Just installed a DIY carbon filter that I can't really use to the fullest until I can cool the air in the closet so I can close the door. Right now I'm growing White Satin & White Russian. I have some Elephant seeds & a friend promised me some Jedi clones! What are you growing? If I can offer any advice, I'd love to, but I'm still learning myself!
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