Recent content by smokeweedeverydayofmylife

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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    in the flower room could i use on 1000 hps on a light mover
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    what kind of set up for a pound a week harvest

    thanks thundercat that article was just what i needed
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    what kind of set up for a pound a week harvest

    mr.howardmarks it would not cost 10-20k to set up this kind of grow and if thats what you would spend than it is you who doesn't know what they are doing.
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    hi, im very grateful for all the time and effort you put into this thank you sooooo much for explaining this awesome set up! how many lights, and how many of each parts of your system would i need in order to do three pounds, so to triple this set up, sorry for any ignorance ive been an outside...
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    what kind of set up for a pound a week harvest

    bloodshot please see that was my previous post im aware of a lot of these things thats why im so confused on how to accomplish this
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    what kind of set up for a pound a week harvest

    thanks for answering the question instead of going on a tangent
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    what kind of set up for a pound a week harvest

    i didnt post this question to hear what i "wouldnt" be able to do. i asked the question what method and setup to acheive a pound week. i would appreciate it if i would get those answers as apposed to you telling me i "cant" acchieve it. as for the lb in my lap quote, i actually function when i smoke
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    what kind of set up for a pound a week harvest

    hi i have enough funds, my own house, and a very large basement, what would be the best set up to harvest one pound a week or four pounds a month which ever is better, thanks
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    Im assembling a decent size set up and im lost

    hi, im an outdoor grower, I recently purchased a nice sized home and i would like to take my farm indoors. ive read jorge cervantes, hans, ive seen all the videos they have made, ive done a lot of reading to try and educate myself as best as possible to indoor growing and to try and avoid simple...