Recent content by smokey the cat

  1. smokey the cat

    ...All Things Vero...

    Why don't people run Vero in parallel? Bought two of the earliest 18s and had no problem running both off a single Mean Well LPF-60D. Not even the same color chips - 3500k &3000k. Driver delivers ~830mA each at full intensity, close to 85% of nominal output. There will be a bit of variation...
  2. smokey the cat

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    Nah, our taxes pay for scientists who actually study this, they aren't making it up. Here's a useful image from NIWA showing current soil saturation We're currently in a dry summer. You're right though that locally you'd find that Waikato was probably drier in 2014 - but as a whole we're...
  3. smokey the cat

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    Where I am it was the driest Dec-Jan since records began. lol climate change, what a fucking idiot.
  4. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Is that can made of galvanised steel - you ever worry about introducing weird zinc oxides or something into the mix? I know zinc coated roofing iron is commonly used for rainwater collection without issue. Just wondering how it handles the crazy enzymes and acids that are present in healthy...
  5. smokey the cat

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    Good luck in the drought guys, it's fucking dry out there. Reckon this is the new normal - climate's only going to get worse from here on out. Move to the West Coast, lol
  6. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I know I expected my compost to harbour heaps of critters that'd attack the plant, and found it amazing when it didn't. Makes total sense - any insect found in mature compost isnt the type of animal that is going to be interested in living plants.
  7. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I don't plant anything outside in winter -too rainy and cold (8*C) and my place doesn't get all that much direct sun in winter. My mulch - I've got grasses and clover weeds growing in all my ornamentals in pots - this is what I've harvested and used as "traditional mulch" for my outdoor...
  8. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I get a lot of wind where I am, but the light mulch of clover and grasses I've put on on my outdoor containers stays put. Surprised the hell out of me, lol. The mulch next to the soil almost immediately starts rotting down so becomes limp and quite sticky - it sort of glues the loser mulch on...
  9. smokey the cat

    Alfalfa kelp tea at 32 hrs, can i go till morning?

    Why so much kelp and alfalfa? Is this currently aerated? regarding time: I normally brew AACT for 48 hrs, so it probably wont make any difference. Brewing length doesn't make the brew get "stronger" or "weaker", but the microbe population changes. After 48 hours you will see degredation in the...
  10. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    :) I now have a bucket of roughly chopped comfrey-dandelion getting funky. Planning on diluting this gunk to the colour of light amber tea before applying to soil - sound about right?
  11. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I reckon you'll be sweet: sounds like a mild irritant, not a poison that's gonna destroy your ecosystem. You will be happy to hear that poinsettias are not poisonous, so yours can be safely added to the compost heap. Some...
  12. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    What's your recipe here? I have comfrey just large enough to start donating some leaves and am keen to get some of the silica into my garden.
  13. smokey the cat

    too much or too little? pics. also critique my mix.

    I'd be tempted to look at your dolomite lime and switch in gypsum instead. Dolomite is calcium and magnesium. You already have quite a large amount of mag sources in your mix (guano, kelp etc), and this causes problems when your soil wants to access the calcium in dolomite lime - it has to put...
  14. smokey the cat

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    "half-cup per cubic foot" - ClackamasCoot