Recent content by SmokeyDaBear22

  1. S

    PLEASE HELP! unkown problem first grow.

    I dont have that stuff, and have no way of gettiing it. Can i mix mirale grow with the soil there? and then transplant it inot the ground? and sorry i know im a newb but how exactly do i take it out of the pot, and into the soil because its not the stongest plant. i can still bend the stem and i...
  2. S

    PLEASE HELP! unkown problem first grow.

    the soil at the place where im growing is so shitty
  3. S

    PLEASE HELP! unkown problem first grow.

    ?!?! how exactly do i add nutrients? i initially had miracle grow with 3 month time release nutes, but this is my first grow. and arent plants supposed to just live? thats how they did it before beople starting farming and stuff, they just grew
  4. S

    PLEASE HELP! unkown problem first grow.

    OK so the leaves on the bottom are turning yellowish and are drooping.. The pot that it is in is poretty deep so im wondering if they arent getting enought sunlight?? outdoor grow, about month and a week old. please help! thank you!:-(
  5. S

    My Very First Grow. Outdoors. Coaching is appreciated

    BUMP. any comments at all? or any suggestions????
  6. S

    My Very First Grow. Outdoors. Coaching is appreciated

    like i said this is my first time ever growing. I was told i bought a feminized seeds, but i dont know how far u can trust a drug dealer. It sprouted, however 2 of the 4 leaves are partially brown. I'm not sure why. I have Miracly Grow with 3 month time release nutes however the plant is not in...
  7. S

    @@@Need Expert's Help! First Time!@@@

    actually i bought it already planted in dirt so theres no miracle grow in it.. so why else would it be a little brown? however its getting better.. they were really brown now they are returning to their natural green state ^.^
  8. S

    hey man i saw your picture of the clone. How exactly did you make the clone? ive heard of many...

    hey man i saw your picture of the clone. How exactly did you make the clone? ive heard of many different ways so im unsure of which ones work/dont work. thanks for the help
  9. S

    @@@Need Expert's Help! First Time!@@@

    you can see the purple stem right above the leaves on that pic^^^^^^^
  10. S

    @@@Need Expert's Help! First Time!@@@

    It sprouted! however i didnt check on it for 2 days so when i cam back the 2 leaves on it were partially brown and no there are are 2 little weed looking leaves, all jagged and wrinkly kinda. however the first two oval shaped leaves are still about half or a third brown each. what should i do/...
  11. S

    Is It Chill To Buy Seeds From Nirvana?

    yes i am socal. andd fuzzybuds HAHAHAHA. but im not growing it here im growing it down my street on this big hill. a scret little spot. and what if the box comes and my bro or someone opens it first? i mean. i wonder if i could order like a pair of jeans or something and they could put them inn...
  12. S

    Is It Chill To Buy Seeds From Nirvana?

    I mean it sounds pretty damn sketchy buying weed seeds on the internet with a credit card, mostly because marijuana is ILLEGAL?! so how does it work with out it being illegal? also they say they are discreet, well how dicreet are they. I'm still in highschool and yes I live with my parents so I...
  13. S

    First grow, not sure if its good.

    is it female?
  14. S

    my harvesting method --- first time.

    u dont need a fan on the hanging buds. and also i u should cut all leaves attatched or around thebuds before you try because if u want your gonna be spending alot more time on it, and by the scissors touching the buds and rubbing them after they dried, thc will be rubbing and falling off. Also...
  15. S

    How to Tell the Difference Between Male and Female

    i payed 5 bucks. for a pot of soil and hopefully a seed inside. but hes a long time friend and i know woth both of the peeople live so it should and better be a female sprouting pretty damn soon. about how long after its germinated and planted should it sprout??