Recent content by Smokiethebear

  1. Smokiethebear

    Extracting Alprazolam from Xanax

    xanax is a fast acting drug...Ive never heard of anyone doing an extraction
  2. Smokiethebear

    DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

    You got some crazy growth in those 6 days...this is going to be a good run:weed:
  3. Smokiethebear

    DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

    Lookin good in there when I first seen he drip feed I thought you ran out of upgrades now I seen the reason for your madness lol....tell me more about the lava rocks...anything special you need to look for when you buy them? any special treatment before you put them to use?
  4. Smokiethebear

    Shnkrmn gets wet: 2010 Ebb and Grow multiple Strains

    The two hempy grows Ive been watching are switching to ebb and flow I guess thats a sign :hump:.....good luck on the switch PS...Ive always been interested in trying Serious's Chronic
  5. Smokiethebear

    DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

    Lava rocks huhh...thats going to be interesting to see one of these days Im going to make the switch to hydro seems like hydroton is the way to go but Im just like you I stay away from the hydro shop as much as I can...I dont ever order stuff off the net....I only have one place to send it and...
  6. Smokiethebear

    Tussonex Suspension?

    They dont call it gold for nothing
  7. Smokiethebear


    Call in tell your doctor you have a bad cough and its keeping you up at night..blah blah cant get off work to come in....blah blah blah...they need to call you in a script......most likely it will be promethazine with codeine but whatever it is it will probably be good
  8. Smokiethebear

    Bong cleaner?

    +1 bongsmilie
  9. Smokiethebear

    Just did 30mg OC

    Pretty much.... there is a 'roxicet' which is just another brand of oxycodone/acetaminophen.....Ive only seen then a couple times not even sure if they are still made
  10. Smokiethebear

    Just did 30mg OC

    I dont know where you got this from but its wrong roxicodone is nothing but oxycodone sold under the brand name of 'Roxicodone' it is nothing like percoset which are oxycodone/acetaminophen
  11. Smokiethebear

    Just did 30mg OC

    Oxy is my favorite drug next to weed...nothing better than that warm and fuzzy feeling where nothing in the world matters
  12. Smokiethebear


    Its not worth snorting if you got 240 pills......but I do it for the high
  13. Smokiethebear


    Ive never seen anyone eat more then 10 at a time without doing an extraction......If percs is all I can get I will chew a few then snort one but thats about all Id ever snort at one time way too much filler/acetaminophen in them....I snort all my roxys and oxys
  14. Smokiethebear


    If you are eating 20 at a time on a regular basis you should be doing an extraction its not about ODing its about liver damage
  15. Smokiethebear


    Its not a exact science just a rule of thumb...but why anyone would snort that much acetaminophen/filler....just wow