Recent content by sn8keman02

  1. S

    Watering during 12/12

    i've heard that your not supposed to water at night during the flowering cycle. i'm just curious what anyone thinks on this. is there a reason for not watering at night? is it bad for them at all?
  2. S

    hydroton white/yellow crust

    hey i've got a flood and drain setup and in between waterings when the hydroton pellets dry there are a bunch of pellets on the surface with a mostly white, sometimes yellowish crystalline substance. it dissolves in water no problem and i can't figure out what it is or if it's bad or not. the...
  3. S

    water ph low, need help

    so are you saying that eventually it will stabilize to the proper ph? how does that work exactly since something has to change the ph, it can't just change on its own. something gets added to or removed from the water that changes the ph. also, distilled water is only $0.79/gallon, so it's...
  4. S

    water ph low, need help

    i'm new at this hydro thing and just setup my first grow in it. the ladies are currently just poking out with their first set of leaves. i check the ph about once a day and for some reason the ph keeps dropping low on me and i keep having to add ph up everyday, and i can't figure out why...
  5. S

    weight question

    i'm just curious, does ne1 know about what weight percent loss from harvest time to completely dry time is? i just harvested my first plants am i'm curious how much weight will be lost during the drying process.
  6. S

    help with flowering leaves

    ok, ph is right around 6.8 so i don't think that's the problem. should i remove the leaves that are becoming chlorotic at all? i figure once they turn yellow the green isn't coming back so i'm not sure if it's ok to cut them off or not.
  7. S

    help with flowering leaves

    ok, so here's 2 pics of my ladies, about 4.5 weeks into flowering right now. all of a sudden over the thanksgiving weekend the leaves on one are starting to turn a light green/yellow on the tips. the other is getting yellow spots all over turning into brown spots and then the leaf begins to...
  8. S

    wilted/curled leaves

    ok, i watered them this past wednesday and took that picture on saturday afternoon. i watered them saturday night and they perked up pretty quick, within a few hours or so. now it's sunday afternoon and the one i took the picture of is kind of starting to look like it is going back to how it was.
  9. S

    wilted/curled leaves

    should i be worried about the leaves in this picture at all? i'm not sure if this is a problem or not.
  10. S

    yellow spots

    right now i'm using distilled water, so it should be at 7.0. should i just keep using this and let it balance itself out? what should i do if it begins to get worse.
  11. S

    yellow spots

    thanks, that looks like my problem. is there any way to fix this with the plants already in the soil? i know there's ph up and down for hydro systems, but what about soil? will watering it long enough eventually get everything to around 7.0 or is there something else that i should do?
  12. S

    yellow spots

    ok, take a look at this picture. i can't tell if it's nute burn or overwatering, at least i think it's one of the two. but the remedies for each kind of make the other one worse, so i'm not sure what to do. there's another plant in the same soil as this one that's actually doing great and...
  13. S

    purple stems

    i've got a question, i've got a nearly 3 week old plant where leaves on opposing sides of the main stem began developing yellow spots on them, and i recently noticed that the underside of the stem for those leaves is a reddish purple. i've got 3 plants in a window sill like container and one is...
  14. S

    germ probs

    ok thanks, i'll check the ph and see whats up w/that
  15. S

    germ probs

    i'm having problems sprouting seeds. they crack open fine in some warm water but when i move them to soil they don't seem to start growing. i've got them in miracle grow soil and i make sure the humidity in the cups they're in is high and they're pretty warm, probably around 70 or 75 degrees...