Recent content by Socratus

  1. S

    Closet Growing Question - Lighting

    So two 42 CFLS per plant?
  2. S

    Closet Growing Question - Lighting

    I can not afford a HPS right now but I can afford CFLs. How many of those would I need do you think? I was thinking a few 42 watts would be decent right? But how many? I will also be using y-light sockets.
  3. S

    Closet Growing Question - Lighting

    Hi. This is my first time growing and I have read a substantial amount of material found on the Internet but I still have a question that I would like to ask directly which is the following; How much light should I give to my 6 plants which are enclosed in a 2ft x 2ft x 2ft x 1ft 10in...
  4. S

    all of my plants!!!

    Wow man, that really sucks. Last year a friend of mine had the top of his plant stolen. I hope nothing bad happens to my plants this year when I plant them. Good luck to everyone in fighting the odds.
  5. S

    Grower question from Pennsylvania

    Hi. It's my first time growing and I have a question about the weather and if it would be alright if I started to grow now or shortly soon. The first day of Spring was on 21st and it is now the 25th and the weather is pretty nice, nice enough to start growing I think but I want to make sure. So...
  6. S

    Outdoor Growing Op

    First you should obtain seeds and germinate them.
  7. S

    Indoor growing question

    I currently have a height problem. I am asking the community to offer me some adivice on how to keep my plant at the current height via cropping? the plant at the top. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.
  8. S

    Begginer Help

    I suggest placing chickenwire around your plants, that always works.
  9. S

    Outdoor Pics

    I would also like to view some Marijuana plants that have been grown outside. I plan on growing outside this season.
  10. S

    Closet Grow of Chronic

  11. S

    Virgin here...

    Where did you get cords like that for your lights? How much did they cost? I do not recall reading anything about this. Thanks ahead of time for your answer.