Recent content by spooky66

  1. S

    Strange problem

    Hay thanks for all the advice, must be hermie no mails around,i've got 4 nice clones should I destroy them seems like a shame.I've been smokin everything it's cool no bad head all good. CHEERS
  2. S

    Strange problem

    I have just harvested a grow from top44,and there are seeds in the bud,but the plant was female no signs of male nothing,what the hell is going on??????
  3. S

    Need some feedback

    Hay thanks for all comments, I'm feelin good now. Maybe it was the cow shit, just some GP compost with good shit mixed in, no other feeding. Wish I knew the name, got some Bug Bud germinated and going well, I like this grow game, 1 grow and already I want a bigger room. CHEERS again
  4. S

    Feedback please

    Going to cut down Mon,Tues. Got some Big Bud and Green Spirit germinated and doin just fine. You can get hooked on this grow thing cant you.
  5. S

    Feedback please

    OMG, I never even noticed that, I have managed to talk them out of it and taken all sharp objects,string shoe laces out of the G room. I have now installed a safety net so all should be OK. CHEERS
  6. S

    Feedback please

    Cheers, Just hope it smokes as good as it looks.
  7. S

    Feedback please

    No idea sorry, got a couple of seeds of someone and decided to try and grow them, Dont think it will be my last grow.
  8. S

    Feedback please

    first grow,2plants under 125watt hps.I just need to know does this look ok average,not bad,crap, some feedback would be cool.
  9. S

    Need some feedback

    Not long started growing indoor, I just need some feedback, the pic is my last grow 2 plants under 125watts hps. Does this look good average or wot.CHEERS
  10. S


    Thanks for a quick reply, don't fancy the sound of the chemicals. Am I correct in saying that when you buy a packet of feminised seeds you could still get males in there?.
  11. S


    You can buy a packet of seeds with male and female and you can buy feminised seeds, Can someone tell me, how or can you tell the difference between male and female seeds,2nd how do you produce feminised seeds