Recent content by SportsterMoe

  1. S

    Conspiracy Theories

    Well, at least SOMEONE'S mind is open... Good for you...
  2. S

    Found this behind my shed in May...

    Yup...I'm stupid as hell... Don't know my ass from my elbow here.... Thank you, Captain Obvious.... :mrgreen: Can you feel the love in the room? Well, it was here a minute ago....
  3. S

    Lights to avoid

    So it is that much better to go with high pressure sodium than CFL's for the whole grow??
  4. S

    Conspiracy Theories

    Oh, ok...ya wanna go there? Check THIS guy's site out: The Kentroversy Papers The Kentroversy Papers
  5. S

    Lights to avoid

    Would someone please give us noobs an idea of what those mean? HPS? HID- This one is High Intensity a streetlight? CFL- Compact Florescent? The ones with the ballast in the base CLF? I just want to know what light unit will be best for a small grow...???
  6. S

    Found this behind my shed in May...

    :roll: Oh, well.... Guess I'll just have to start some inside then..... :( Thanx for the quick answer!
  7. S

    Found this behind my shed in May...

    What do you all think of this?!?! Will this be viable? What stage do you suppose its in?
  8. S

    Newb looking for photos

    Specifically, I'm looking for timeline shots...stages of development... Thanx!