Recent content by st0ned4good

  1. S

    Is it at all practical to grow in a dorm room?

    The man speaks 100% truth. Honestly man, just go out and buy $200 worth of weed and scrap that idea till you got your own place. i know the feeling of wanting to grow weed so badly that it doesn't matter how short u come up. But if you think logically, your not only throwing your money away on...
  2. S


    it doesn't exactly "rival" an HPS. its blasting the lumen's though at 2700k spectrum. a 250watt CFL with 4 other 52 Watt equiv's with reflectors and base clips. i can get em nice n close for those dense buds. Its more or less the strain i got a hold of, im not suer what it is but hopefully i can...
  3. S


    the seeds i got previously was from some insane bagseed. i'll deff take pictures when i chop em, im not brining down any HPS growers on this site cuz u guys are crazy, but this CFL bud ive got growing looks much better then some HPS hydro ive seen around my area. im kinda happy i have premo...
  4. S


    i dont have a camera at the moment but i will explain my encounter as best i can. The buds from the outside look breathtaking... these buds are a LITTLE pre mature cuz i wanted to try the quality. i break the bud in half, near the middle of the bud there are almost like sack things with tiny...
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    they are small greenish looking things. almost ball like but they are not. could this be something else?
  6. S


    i just discovered the worst possible thing....i cut a sample off each female plant to see how it smokes and after i cured each of the samples, i broke it up with my hands and there are fucking little seed looking things. i CANT believe it. i searched every inch of all my plants and there are no...
  7. S

    These are definately males, right?

    making hash out of males DOES NOT WORK.
  8. S

    St0ned's 1st Grow!

    thanks bro, much appreciated.:blsmoke:
  9. S

    Battery Powered Grow Room 4000 W Continuous. Yes it is possible! Heres how...

    18,000 just for the solar things... and another 1500for an amp? is it just me or is that unreasonably expensive.
  10. S

    St0ned's 1st Grow!

    around almost 5th week of flower i believe.
  11. S

    St0ned's 1st Grow!

    how much time u thinks left on these babies?
  12. S

    finally... but not quite

    grats dude, i'll be there in 2 weeks or so :D
  13. S

    St0ned's 1st Grow!

  14. S

    plants burnt from light

    nice yield dude
  15. S

    You Guys Have To Look At This....................................

    heh, have you ever heard of changing the photo effects? dont be retarded thanks.