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  1. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    Yes they bounced back. Definitely looking better. The green is back. Thanks for asking I feel they are stunted though for sure. Or at least stopped growing until I got it back on point.
  2. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    Copy! I’ll see what happens and let you know. Thanks
  3. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    Sounds good. I got the temps at 80 degrees now. I’m gonna let them dry out and make sure the bottoms are dry and go from there!! I appreciate you. Thanks
  4. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    Thanks I’m going to check how wet the bottoms are. I usually do check the bottom to make sure it’s not wet to the squeeze before I water.
  5. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    I have them on pot raisers, can’t see it from the angle of the picture. And I do take out the water in the saucers I just to that picture while the water was still in the pan. I am using the Mother Earth Bag Coco pre buffered.
  6. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    Appreciate your response Got you! Thanks everyone that responded! I’ll raise the temp in the tent also it has been cold when things started to get like this.
  7. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    So the coco feels normal and not slimy or too wet. And I don’t get a rotten smell off it when it’s wet but it does have some kind of smell. I’m not sure if coco has a slight smell when wet. I’m new to the coco. And runoff water is normal. If my runoff ppm is in range and not excessive shouldn’t...
  8. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    Temps in room are from 74degrees to 78. 50-55% RH
  9. S

    Any idea what I’m dealing with

    Anyone know what could my issue be? I have light yellow new growth leaves, slow growth and some leaves on the smaller plant show burnt tips not a lot of leaves only a couple. I been feeding in the 600-650 ppm plus 100-125 ppm of cal mag range and 6.0 ph. Water to runoff. Last run off I checked...