Recent content by stealthgrowin

  1. S

    1st timer PC growing

    i feeel for you bro i had a couple ladies growing out in the forest by my place and somebody had cut it in half..couple weeks later i went back and they were growing again, both female and then i go back 2 days later and the fucker totally uprooted it and threw it away
  2. S

    hey wutup just wonderin you know how to wire up computer fans?

    hey wutup just wonderin you know how to wire up computer fans?
  3. S

    1st timer PC growing

    hey been reading up on this grow for a while now havent said anything til now.. anyways my old computer broke so when i cant use it for surfin the net i gues i gota put it to use with a grow, whats the height like on your case
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    Northern Outdoor Grow 2009

    sounds prety sick.. im in the same situation as you prety much.. live in the north and its around 4 degrees celsius at night.. think it will be alrite to just plant my seeds outside? its too heat to keep them in or around my house
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    Ontario Strains

    does anyone know wen i should start planting? i live in northern ontario