Recent content by stonedagain

  1. S

    Fish tank water

    have any of ya'll looked into the commercial aquaculture sites? they build their greenhouses with tanks on the bottom and then use a 2 step filtration process to prepare the water. im sure there's a way you could just drip it through a coffee filter or somethin..
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    Human poo as medium and piss as nutrients ?

    so are you gonna grind up a bunch of bugs for your foliar spray too? or just filter your barf?
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    Method #2,395 to Immediately Piss Vlad off for the Rest of the Fucking Day

    man all's i got around my house is fast food i know the menu's by heart
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    pvc cement- harmful?

    hey everyone i'm in the middle of building my first aerobucket following plans posted by filthyfletch. my pvc gluing skills are shite and i have way too much cement holding my fittings together. it stinks:spew:so im going to figure out how to do it without the cement- use aquarium sealant...
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    I need Guidence With the Aerogarden!

    you need to have a plan for when they overgrow the unit.. they'll quickly make a rootbound mess of your tiny ag res. so if youre gonna transplant, do i now. you can have your mommas separate and just use the ag as a clone starter- probably it's most useful application. if youre going to leave...
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    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    beautifully simple design, mate- i'm building one today
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    My first (hopefully successful) Aerogarden Grow!

    thanks i'll keep ya'll posted
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    Airstone Question

    for tha ag it's better to have several small ones due to the goofily designed reservoir.. look out for root rot! <sigh>
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    My first (hopefully successful) Aerogarden Grow!

    i cleaned the whole thing out today, what a horrorshow in there... i used bleach to disinfect all surfaces and then hydrogen peroxide. i haven't added any to the reservoir because i only have the storebought 3% solution. i heard this kind wasnt optimal for plants, i plan on getting the 35% kind...
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    Aerogarden club

    thanks dal i plan to get a journal going here soon, cuz it's nice to get the feedback from all you greenthumbs
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    My first (hopefully successful) Aerogarden Grow!

    hey have any of ya'll had problems with keeping your ag reservoir cool? mine is staying at around 80 degrees which i dont really like, i add ice cubes in there but it doesnt seem to do much.. im tryin to keep the root rot to a minimum, there's only so much you can do with this contraption
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    The AeroGarden Forum

    has anyone used the GH flora series w/ their aero?
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    Aerogarden club

    have any of you aerogardeners had problems with any of these: high reservoir temp (80-83F) root rot also what are your thoughts on feelings on nutrilife's sm-90 in the ag i'll throw some pics up here soon when i can find my camera