Recent content by sushicat

  1. sushicat

    to vaporize or not to vaporize

    A friend made me this pretty cool vap. It consisted of a hose nozzle w/valve attachment, turkey oven bag, SEARS heat gun, and a few knick knacks from the garden section. Works really well. I made a couple for friends already. Most expensive thing was the heat gun. About $100 total (for gun w/...
  2. sushicat

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    In Hawaii $400 is pretty standard for an O. Depends who you know.
  3. sushicat

    Changing my avatar

    I think 5 is good.
  4. sushicat

    How do i get my plant to do this !!!!

    There is also something called "Horizontalizing". This is what he says about that... "...Marijuana uses gravity to sense which direction is "up" and then grows that way. When a plant which has been growing normally is placed on its side, new growth reorients itself and starts growing up...
  5. sushicat

    How do i get my plant to do this !!!!

    aloha all, i am very new to this but i am reading ed rosenthal's closet cultivator and he says: " Some growers build training stakes for their plants. These are actually wooden stakes with cross stakes attached. Growers tie the plant to the guides as it grows. The stakes are configured for...
  6. sushicat

    My Grow

    This is so entertaining. *Getting my popcorn* GB I am enjoying learning from your grow log. Beautiful plants, BTW.
  7. sushicat

    msn reporter with balls

    Weed is the one and only!!! Stupid mis-informed Idiot! I like Tucker sometimes.
  8. sushicat

    Ph Meter

    Thanks dudes.
  9. sushicat

    Ph Meter

    Dude-tte ; )<br><br>
  10. sushicat

    Ph Meter

    "Stranger" sounds so scary. Heeheehee
  11. sushicat

    Ph Meter

    Oakton sounds great but let's talk budget. Would the Rapitest get you by?
  12. sushicat

    yellow spots on leaves

    Thank you so much for you reply. Y'all give such great words of wisdom! I am so in awe! I'm sorry a totally forgot about the fan and timer thing. I did have both of those things going (18/6 on the lighting). Just moved my lights in closer. I need to get one of those ph meters right away! Are...
  13. sushicat

    yellow spots on leaves

    This is my First grow. Okay....SO I did something really stupid. I found a seed in one of my bags. I got over excited and germinated before I was ready. Long story short, I went outside and got some dirt put the seed in that dirt and got a beautiful little seedling. Here's the Problem. I...
  14. sushicat

    Who are you? a/s/l
