Recent content by T0key

  1. T0key

    Canada Growers

    If you aren't comfortable posting this on open forum just send a pm! Was wondering what would be considered the typical grow season here in the sunshine coast canada? Also have heard of quite a few guys being nabbed lately by the overheads during harvest, any good tips to avoid this?
  2. T0key

    My tattoo ideas

    This is a really personal thing, you really gotto look around - Check different artists journals to see points that you really like that bring your inspiration and "feeling" out and then go with it ;) Good luck babe!
  3. T0key

    mm4p net HELP

    Hmm.... Welcome! :)
  4. T0key

    in serious need of some dating advice

    **Southern Ganjas avatar here**
  5. T0key

    in serious need of some dating advice

  6. T0key

    Looking Your Age

    I know a guy that smokes more dank than anyone here. haha he is internationally famous - and I swear to God - He looks 20's to me. :P Debunkedd
  7. T0key

    Craziest thing I have seen on the net today.

    Thanks Pf, Very inspiring stuff and just a great post! +1 Rep and Bump
  8. T0key

    Iran digging graves for US troops if they attack. Shit is about to get real.

    I can't believe we as a species allow this kind of lameness to actually exist. It's pathetic. -1 for Iran, -1 for the United States, and -1000 for Humanity for our wierd culture of insanity and stupidity.
  9. T0key

    Nattyhead357, billcollector99, Bajafox, Ganjabitch, Mkmkli49's Toke N Talk

    Just wanna bump you guys and lend all my support :)
  10. T0key

    Anyone smoke hindu kush?

    It's a subjective deal but it is very indica. It is a cool plant, smoked it a few times though never tried growing it. Probably do amazingly outdoors if you had the right environment for it. All best wishes mate! :)
  11. T0key

    Advantages of keeping trimmings and saving trimmings from past harvests.

    Great post man! I couldn't agree more with you on the benefit of saving your trims and stems :).
  12. T0key

    Funniest shit I ever seen!!!

    The Rainbow guy is me many times over.... :) Haha as for that drunk guy though I kinda wish we had an interview with him :P
  13. T0key

    Question About Anal Sex

    Lol oh wow....
  14. T0key

    Busted growing Weed

    That snitch sounds like a real great person 8-) Wow what a dick.
  15. T0key

    New to the site but not to the community

    Haha I agree man - We can only hope....