Recent content by talon90

  1. talon90

    when to harvest?

    half amber, half cloudy alot of people prefer diffrent just dont let it over mature youll know trust me get a magnifying glass and look at the buds some maybe ready before others
  2. talon90

    Light question

    That light will defently kick off some heat you either better have great ventilation or a pretty good size tent it all depends on your setup and ebay carries some nice tents for good prices just make sure its a good reliable and backed company good luck and its very much do able .........
  3. talon90

    How Much Longer

    that depends on the rate of devolopment i would say 2 to maybe 3 weeks
  4. talon90

    Cheap Fermentation CO2 System

    just let it melt in your grow some how as it melts it releases to a gas which is carbon dioxide its up to you how you want to demenstrate this but it does work and has had good changes in the yeild and swelling of the buds....
  5. talon90

    bubblicious first grow 3.5 weeks flower after 8wk veg under 400w hps - pics.

    Man your plants look awesome 400 watt was what i was thinking about going with as i cant make up my mind yet between 600 and 400..... Well your grow definetly came out nice this time around man you got a nice crop on the way
  6. talon90

    I believe this is male

    thats a male man pull him and try again better luck next time been there
  7. talon90

    Light bulb question!

    fuck no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. talon90

    Turning Lights OFF

    your new growth will become very light green and the stalks will really grow tall the gaps will be huge as i did this and no from experience 2 to 3 days would be fine but your veg. plants will start showing preflowers by themn any longer could cause a big stress or shock for them would not...
  9. talon90

    bubblicious first grow 3.5 weeks flower after 8wk veg under 400w hps - pics.

    What size hps are you using as im trying to decide wich one i should buy as i only grow 3 at a time and im a cfl grower and want to move to more yeild and i like the way your plants are growing
  10. talon90

    Cheap Fermentation CO2 System

    Thats a pretty good imagination man nicely done but dry ice works good and its alot more less mind boobling..... NICE WORK THO
  11. talon90

    HELP is this a Phosphorous problem

    Use some nutes man thats the best thing you can do
  12. talon90

    ups, fedex runners?

    I worked for ups for 2 years unloading the trailers and sending it down the belt to get hit with a scanner which puts a label on it and tells the truck loaders what truck it goes on lol i will tell you that it is 100% secure to send and on top of that my boss smoked every morning before he came...
  13. talon90

    My grow is showing sex!!

    walmart carries a miracle grow thats high in phos. its in a pink box only like 5 or 6 dollars im thinking its 16/26/8 if im thinking right i used it for my first to grows and it really worked nice as i use foxfarm now good luck congrats on the girl
  14. talon90

    1st week of 12/12 Leaves yellow (Pics)

    buy looking at them im thinkin its a ph problem you should flush them becouse im thinking you have a nutrient lock on the soil theats causing your plants to starve mainly from nitrogen i would definetly flush them real good and see how they react to it
  15. talon90

    Papaya 12/12 From Seed 250 HPS Stealth Dresser Organic Grow

    Have you tried just flushing it for now hell its going to be ruined before you get your meter at this rate