Recent content by TaoWolf

  1. TaoWolf

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    You haven't had any success that you've shown nor do you have enough knowledge to discuss your claims without getting upset by direct questions. Again, tissue culturing doesn't alter DNA or manipulate DNA no matter how obtuse you want to get about it. Tissue culturing is simply culturing tissue...
  2. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    They are pretty cool to feed, fairly easy requirements (talking single CFLs here)... and a lot of them come from the area where I grew up and are listed as endangered in the wild now by the way (which is why I got interested in growing them).
  3. TaoWolf

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    A cutting/clone is just a branch of the original plant that's formed it's own roots - nothing different genetically and nothing to do with breeding at all... which makes it all the more mysterious. It has to be something different in the environment or nutrients or something external right? I'm...
  4. TaoWolf

    Photosynthesis and Yellow leaves

    If there's photosynthesis going on, the leaf is producing auxin for the plant. If the leaf is producing auxin for the plant, the plant keeps the leaf attached. If auxin isn't being produced by the leaf (no photosynthesis going on), an abscission layer forms and the plant gets rid of the leaf.
  5. TaoWolf

    The Truth About Flushing

    As you know I'm not experienced with the technique you are using all, but in regards to that part about flacidity... I'd bet good money the drowning solution is just really hypertonic compared to the plant cells - which would result in cells having their water drawn out and collapse (losing...
  6. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Just sharing something different I have going on that I'm proud of, a little cabinet for carnivorous plants. The big container are all from seed and I've taken out the ones I liked already:
  7. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    This really sucks but I'm sitting here smoking a bowl and trying to relax but the realization is hitting home that I'm throwing way too much money towards the little tent for my current situation without getting anywhere near the results I want/need to make it worth it. Same could be said for...
  8. TaoWolf

    1st DWC Setup...Pic

    The setup looks good and workable if going with running small clones through. Hey I know five-gallon buckets are 12" in diameter so in theory you can fit 8... not sure if it's so practical though to do more than 5 for a couple of reasons: you'll need a little space between buckets to be able...
  9. TaoWolf

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    That's mysterious - are they cuttings from the same mom or were you going from different seeds with them?
  10. TaoWolf

    Show me what you got LST contest.

    Incredibly hard to pick 3, but here's the votes I came up with in the end: 1. ENDLSCYCLE 2. elfroggo 3. BeKindBud
  11. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Thanks for dropping in jzs, just got subbed to your grow. I'll have to catch up on it today. I'm finding more and more little leaves with that funky extra leaf blade coming out the middle on Minerva (MD) - did you guys ever notice this on the ones you have?:
  12. TaoWolf

    My First Legal Medical Grow

    See pic for question:
  13. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Well the SW male she was crossed with was super fast flowering (even for a male). Should be some faster flowering MD-like plants in these seeds that could be backcrossed with the MD clone I'm keeping. After about 6 backcrossings you'd end up with a Minerva that flowers faster. I was just...
  14. TaoWolf

    How to Cross Genetics.

    I have zero real experience with autos but here's the theory as I've gathered to at least get you going in the right direction to look into further if you want: There are two real methods to breeding: Pedigree method where the plants with the best traits are kept for breeding and plants that...
  15. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Athena is a cross of more than a few strains from when I grew outdoors. Skunk, Haze, Ice, some plants from nice bagseed that I liked, and a couple of others. She wasn't the result of a real breeding attempt as much as just me trying to keep free and decent seeds around. I'd like to get a little...