Recent content by tehgenoc1de

  1. tehgenoc1de

    5 lbs of NUGS/CO2 EXTRACTION

    Oh yeah lemme get some of that super high quality extract you just scraped off your thumb.
  2. tehgenoc1de

    Gamers on RIU ?

    Orcs Must Die is a fun game. Kuroi, my wife loves Okami. Also a game called Katamari.
  3. tehgenoc1de

    Biggest Buger ever thread !! Can you beat this ?!

  4. tehgenoc1de

    Gamers on RIU ?

    Yessir, prot forever. On my server all I had to say was "I'm tanking who's in?" and the group was full in 4 seconds. In BC, on some fights we had a druid tank so I'd throw on some dps gear and 2 1h's and spam devastate like a mother fucker. Was pretty good dps. I pvp'd as prot in bg's most of...
  5. tehgenoc1de

    What Are You Listening To?
  6. tehgenoc1de

    Gamers on RIU ?

    I used to play WoW. Main tanked as a warrior for the top guild on my server. Also held Duelist title in arena for many seasons. Quit last year about 2 months into Cata. I mostly just play Counter Strike now. Have been playing it competitively off and on for over a decade. Started in 1.5. I...
  7. tehgenoc1de

    The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

    I know it's not about working out but we talk about diet in here so I thought it relevant. Had blood work and a UA a couple weeks ago, got the results yesterday. Doc said labs were great. Blood was great, urine was fine, cholesterol excellent, kidneys/liver excellent. Nothing wrong with the...
  8. tehgenoc1de

    Extra Clone Cuts

    It is frowned upon here.
  9. tehgenoc1de

    N.Y.P.D (New York Power Diesel - Nirvana seeds)

    Fucking excellent. +rep
  10. tehgenoc1de

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Guess I don't belong on TSD forums..was logged in yesterday but couldn't really do anything because of the restrictions and now it says my username/password is invalid again. I've tried this shit 4 times now. Same thing everytime.
  11. tehgenoc1de

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    I made an account over a week ago at TSD, did the activation on my part. Went to login tonight but it didn't recognize my username. Had to sign up again under the same username so it got deleted I guess? How do you get activated over there?
  12. tehgenoc1de

    What Are You Listening To?
  13. tehgenoc1de


    How do you play on console? PC has a shit ton of mods to make it even more fun.
  14. tehgenoc1de

    If I hold the door open for you...

    When I hold the door for you, hurry the fuck up and get inside. Don't take your sweet ass time.
  15. tehgenoc1de

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I start Bud XL when the pistils start kinda wrapping around and forming into tighter buds. About 4ml/gal.